
2015年02月02日13:41  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
Cheese Cheese
无糖口香糖 无糖口香糖
Celery Celery
芝麻油 芝麻油
自来水 自来水
酸奶 酸奶


  Cheese is low in sugar and acid and high in calcium, making it a good choice. But it also contains casein, a protein found in milk that is particularly useful for fortifying the tooth's surface. In fact, dentists frequently prescribe a remineralizing paste called MI Paste, which is made from casein, to patients who are particularly prone to cavities, says Wolff。奶酪低糖、低酸、高钙,是个不错的选择。而且奶酪里还含有酪蛋白—存在于牛奶中的一种蛋白质,对加固牙齿表层非常有用。沃尔夫说,其实牙医经常给容易生龋齿的人开的一种叫MI Paste的矿化软膏,就是使用酪蛋白做成的。

  Robbins adds that she often recommends aged parmesan as a remedy against the degrading effects of acid exposure that accompanies frequent vomiting, often experienced by pregnant women or cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy。罗宾斯补充道,通常情况下她会建议使用陈年的帕尔马干酪来治疗牙齿酸蚀暴露所带来的令人尴尬的频繁呕吐,孕妇或癌症化疗患者一般都经历过这种情况。

  Sugar-Free Gum无糖口香糖

  You won't hear many positive health claims surrounding artificial sweeteners, but when it comes to dental health, there's one exception: Xylitol. The sugar replacement, which is found in many sugar-free gums and mints, is helpful because it prevents harmful bacteria in plaque from metabolizing sugar, thus generating harmful acids that degrade tooth enamel. In other words, it's the anti-sugar -- doing exactly the opposite of what sucrose can do, which is feed the bacteria that leads to tooth decay and gum disease。关于人工甜味剂对健康有益的正面报道不是很多,但是对牙齿健康而言,就有一个例外:木糖醇。在很多无糖口香糖和薄荷糖里面都有这种糖替代品。它对牙齿有益,能够阻止牙菌斑里的有害细菌进行代谢,这种细菌能产生损害牙釉质的有害牙斑酸。 换句话说,它是抗糖,作用正好和蔗糖相反,蔗糖能促进细菌的繁殖从而导致蛀牙和牙周病。


  Most raw, fresh veggies are good for teeth because their fibrous nature requires chewing, which causes an abundance of saliva. But according to Robbins, celery is a particular winner because it breaks down into fibrous strands that naturally clean the teeth。大部分天然的新鲜蔬菜都对牙齿有益,因为它们富含纤维,并且需要咀嚼,而咀嚼时口腔会分泌大量的唾液。按照罗宾斯的说法,芹菜是里面的佼佼者,它能分解成纤维丝,可以直接清洁牙齿。

  Tap Water自来水

  According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, a division of the National Institutes of Health, "67 percent of the United States population served by public water supplies, drink water with optimal fluoride levels for preventing decay."美国国家卫生研究院的下属的美国国家牙科及颅面研究所的研究资料表明,67%的美国人都使用公共用水,里面的含氟量最适宜防止蛀牙。

  That's because fluoride remineralizes teeth, reversing damage caused by acids, which strip away the enamel layer, or "demineralize" it。那是因为氟能为牙齿补充矿物质,逆转酸性物质所造成的损害。这些酸性物质能腐蚀牙釉层,使牙齿流失矿物质。

  So, if you live in a community with tap water that is already fluoridated, drink up!所以,如果你住的地方自来水里添加了氟,那就大口地喝吧。


  Fresh fruit is another good option because, like veggies, its fibrous nature stimulates saliva production. Pears, in particular, are a good pick -- one 2004 study found that the fruit had a larger acid neutralizing effect on tooth surface than other types of fresh fruit, including bananas, apples, mandarins and pineapples。新鲜的水果是另外一个不错的选择。水果和蔬菜一样,富含纤维,可以促使唾液的产生。尤其是梨,对牙齿很好—2004年的一项研究发现,与其他种类的新鲜水果如香蕉、苹果、柑橘、菠萝相比,梨更容易中和牙齿表面的酸性物质。

  But you may want to skip the dried fruit when it comes to teeth: Robbins points out that the concentrated, sticky and sugary nature of dried fruits make them tooth enamel killers。但是果干对牙齿不好,尽量少吃:罗宾斯指出果干是经过浓缩的,很粘,并且含糖,是牙釉质的杀手。


  Another healthful provider of casein, yogurt also contains calcium and phosphates that remineralize the teeth。酸奶是另一种含有酪蛋白的健康食物,并且里面还含有钙和磷,可以强健牙齿。

  Sesame Oil芝麻油

  Sesame seeds are thought to reduce plaque and help remineralize tooth enamel. A method of gargling

  with sesame oil, known as "oil pulling," is popular in Ayurvedic medicine. And in one controlled, triple-blind study, washing with sesame oil was just as effective as using chlorhexidine mouthwash in reducing plaque, gingival scores and the total bacterial count among a group of teenage boys who already had a diagnosis of plaque-induced gingivitis。芝麻能减少牙菌斑,并且有助于加固牙釉质。在印度草药学里流行一种用香油漱口的方法,称为“油漱法”。在一项三盲对照实验里,对一群因牙菌斑而导致牙龈炎的青少年进行研究,发现在减少牙菌斑、降低牙龈指数和总细菌数方面,用香油漱口和用洗必泰漱口效果相同。



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