手上动物园:艺术家徒手拟物 栩栩如生(双语)

2015年02月26日10:21  中国日报网 微博    收藏本文     
艺术家徒手拟物 栩栩如生 艺术家徒手拟物 栩栩如生
艺术家徒手拟物 栩栩如生 艺术家徒手拟物 栩栩如生
艺术家徒手拟物 栩栩如生 艺术家徒手拟物 栩栩如生
艺术家徒手拟物 栩栩如生 艺术家徒手拟物 栩栩如生
艺术家徒手拟物 栩栩如生 艺术家徒手拟物 栩栩如生

  Award-winning Italian artist Guido Daniele has an exceptional talent – he can transform human hands into ‘handimals’, hyper-realistic animal portraits。

  意大利艺术家圭尼·达尼埃莱(Guido Daniele)屡获嘉奖,他有一项特别的手艺,可以通过手部彩绘将人手变成逼真的动物肖像。

  With a career as an illustrator spanning over 40 years, Guido began to explore and experiment with body art and using the human body as a canvas in 1990. Gradually, he perfected the art of making his models contort their bodies into specific positions and using his painting skills to turn them into realistic portraits and scenes。


  In 2000, an art director asked him if he could paint animals on people’s hands without using photoshop. “After I tried doing it, I was the first one to be positively surprised with the beautiful result,” he said. “I did not know that a great artist from Florence, Mario Mariotti, did the same artistic research before me. From 2000 onwards, I began my research on the ‘Handimals’”。

  2000年,一名艺术指导问他能不能不借助PS,在人手上绘出动物的形象。“一次尝试之后,我被这美丽的成品效果惊呆了。”他说,“我当时并不知道佛罗伦萨的艺术家马里奥·马里欧第(Mario Mariotti)在此之前就做过同样的探索。因此从2000年起,我就开始对‘手势彩绘动物’(Handimals,hand和animal的合成词)进行钻研。”

  That same year, Guido released his world-famous ‘Handimals’ series, consisting of 77 highly detailed animals painted onto hands that were twisted and manipulated into various positions to form beaks, trunks, feathers, and more。



  Guido revealed that he wanted to be an artist ever since elementary school. “I was only five years old when my teacher asked me to make a greeting card for the headmaster,” he recalled fondly. “It was obvious that I was the most creative and artistic child in the whole school, so after that episode all my classmates began to ask me to do their drawings and caricatures。”


  “I want to try to paint all what is possible to paint on hands and bodies: animals, flowers, materials, architectures, objects, cars, dreams,” he said. “Now I am 62 years old, I only have 20 years more to find my artistic visionary in this world, in this life. In my next life, I would like to be a doctor, surgeon, inventor, or scientist and do something to make the human life less suffering – build a better world。”




文章关键词: 双语动物

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