Using an iPhone 5s and a few household objects, photographer Lorenz Holder demonstrates seven creative and practical smartphone photography tips that you can try out right now。只要配合一些简单的家用物品,一台苹果5S也能玩转摄影,摄影师Lorenz Holder现在教你七招有创意又实用的智能手机摄影术,马上就能玩起来!
Tip 1: Use the panoramic mode to take a panoramic sequence。第一招:使用全景模式拍摄全景序列。
As you’re panning the smartphone, have your model circle back around you, and stand in a different location. The results are pretty awesome if executed correctly。当你移动你的手机镜头时,站在一个不同的地方,让你的拍摄物围绕着你后方转。如果操作正确的话你的作品会很赞。
Tip 2: Use the panoramic mode to take a drive-by panoramic shot from a car。第二招:用全景模式在车里拍摄行驶镜头。
WARNING: Do not do this while driving. Drive-by panoramic shots should only be taken by the passenger。注意:不要在开车的时候进行。行驶镜头只能让乘客来拍摄。
Tip 3:Use binoculars to zoom in。第三招:用显微镜镜头来放大景物。
Tip 4:Use a drop of water to create a macro lens for your smartphone camera。第四招:借用一个水滴让你的智能手机拍出微距镜头效果。
NOTE: Make sure the water droplet doesn’t run off the lens。提示:确保这个小水滴是显现在镜头中的。
Tip 5:Use a car foil sun shade as a reflector。第五招:用一个汽车上的遮阳板来当反射镜。
Tip 6:Use a piece of cardboard to make a mini tripod for selfies。第六招:用一片硬纸板来做一个迷你三脚架用于自拍。
Tip 7:Use an empty glass cup as a housing for underwater photos。用一个空玻璃杯作为水下拍摄的“小屋子”。
WARNING: Just make sure you don’t accidentally drop your phone in the water!注意:只要记得别不小心把你的手机掉到水里就行了!(沪江英语)