双语:外媒看中国 热议柴静《穹顶之下》

2015年03月03日09:48  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  A documentary about China’s pollution problem has become a viral hit in the country over the weekend racking up over 100 million views in less than 24 hours。上周末,一部有关污染问题的纪录片席卷了整个中国,在不到24小时的时间里其观看次数超过了1亿。

  'China's Haze: Under the Doom’, a 143 minute presentation by former CCTV reporter Chai Jing lays the blame on a lack of government oversight as a major reason behind the country’s deteriorating air quality problem。这部纪录片名叫《穹顶之下》,由央视前主持人柴静制作并亲自演讲,长达143分钟,揭示了中国空气质量恶化问题背后的主要原因是政府监管的缺失。


  deteriorate(de下,-ter表示比较的后缀,deter是de的比较级 ‘lower’ 较下的,较低的,-ior比较级后缀,deter的比较级是deterior ‘worse’ 更坏, -ate ‘to become, make’;to make worse →)

  v. 变坏;恶化;退化

  Showing a series of photographs and slides, Chai examines how the pollution problem has become so serious in the country and reveals the project was inspired by lung illness of her new-born daughter。柴静在演讲中通过一系列图片和幻灯片的展示,一步步分析污染问题是如何演变到如此严重的地步。另外柴静还表示了制作该纪录片的动力最初来源于她刚出生就被确诊患有肺病的女儿。

  The TED Talk-style presentation was self-funded by the former TV anchor and was released by video site Youku and the People’s Daily Online。该纪录片由柴静自费制作,并亲自做TED式的演讲,由优酷网和人民日报在线网站发布。

  The newly-appointed head of China’s environment ministry, Chen Jining, has praised Chai Jing and her documentary saying it has “aroused the public's environmental awareness from the public health point of view, and is worthy of admiration."中国新任部长陈吉宁也对柴静及纪录片给予了肯定与赞扬,并称这部片子“从公众健康的角度唤起了大家对环境问题的重视,值得敬佩。”

  The minister is reported to have contacted Chai Jing to personally thank her。据报道称,陈吉宁部长还亲自联系了柴静从个人角度向她表达了感谢。

  It comes just days before the 2015 National People’s Congress convenes in Beijing and is expected to provoke debate on environmental policy. 《穹顶之下》在中国2015年全国人大[微博]会议开幕前几天发布,注定会在环保政策等方面引起热议。



  vi. 开会,集合 vt. 召集


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