
2015年03月16日11:26  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
世界最小西瓜仅拇指般大小售价180 世界最小西瓜仅拇指般大小售价180
世界最小西瓜仅拇指般大小售价180 世界最小西瓜仅拇指般大小售价180

  The rare Pepquino melon measures just an over inch (3cm) from tip-to-tip but has the identical external pattern and distinctive shape of traditional watermelons。稀有的佩普基诺西瓜有着和传统西瓜相同的条纹和截然不同的形状,长度总共只有3厘米。

  The Pepquino melon, less than a centimetre in diameter, most closely resembles the All sweet variety of watermelon。佩普基诺西瓜的直径小于1厘米,外形和全甜西瓜非常类似。

  小编注:全甜西瓜(all sweet watermelon)比普通西瓜更细长,呈椭圆形。

  It was discovered by Dutch food producers in South America who brought it to the Netherlands and cultivated it in greenhouses。一家荷兰食品商在南美发现了这种西瓜,并把它带回荷兰,在温室里培育。

  While it resembles its larger cousins, it has a fresh crisp taste similar to a cucumber。尽管这种西瓜和全甜西瓜长相类似,但脆爽的口感却很像黄瓜。

  With its distinctive appearance and slightly sour taste producer Koppert Cress believes it is set to become a new food fad in top London restaurants。食品商Koppert Cress 相信,它独特的外观和微酸的口感将使其成为伦敦顶级餐馆的新食尚。

  Prices start at £10 per 250g box, which contains around 50 melons。它的价格是10英镑一盒,每盒重250克,内有约50个西瓜。

  Anneke Cuppen, marketing manager at Koppert Cress said: "Demand for the melons has so far come from the restaurant and hotel trade. We're hoping to sell 50-100 boxes a week.Koppert Cress的市场部经理安内可·库本说:“目前,对这种西瓜的需求来自餐馆和酒店。我们希望每周能卖出50到100盒。”

  "We're very excited about the product. It is highly versatile and can be used in a variety of ways - from salads to dessert."“我们对这个产品感到非常兴奋。它的用途非常多样,从沙拉到甜点都能胜任。”


文章关键词: 双语最小西瓜

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