Tallerwomen are more likely to have twins, according to a USstudy.
GarySteinman, an obstetrician at New York’s Long Island Jewish MedicalCenter, compared the heights of 129 women who gave birth to twinsor triplets with the average height of women in the United Statesand found women with multiple-birth pregnancies averaged more thanan inch taller。
Steinman, whose studyis being published in the September issue of the Journal ofReproductive Medicine, said the reason seems to be an insulin-likegrowth factor(类胰岛素生长因子(IGF)), which has been positively linked toboth height and twinning。
Insulin-like growthfactor is a protein that is released from the liver in response togrowth hormone. It increases the sensitivity of the ovaries tofollicle stimulating hormone, thereby increasing ovulation, thestudy said。
"Anycircumstance that affects the amount of available insulin-likegrowth factor so as to modify the sensitivity of the ovary tofollicle-stimulating hormone appears to govern the rate ofspontaneous twinning," Steinman said in a statement。
Previous studies havedemonstrated that shorter people have significantly lower levels ofthis protein and that countries with taller women have higher ratesof twinning compared to countries with shorter women。
In aprevious study, Steinman found that women who consume animalproducts, specifically dairy, were five times more likely to havetwins. Cows, like humans, produce insulin-like growth factor inresponse to growth hormones and release it into the blood, and theprotein makes its way into their milk。