
2015年03月23日14:15  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  1. Santa Klaus was created by Coca-Cola and he has been featured in Coke ads since the 1920s。圣诞老人形象是可口可乐公司创造出来的,自从20世纪20年代以来,圣诞老人就一直出现在可乐广告中。

  2. Cats have over 100 vocal chords. Makes you wonder how many keys they can say “Meow” in! And cats can sleep 16 hours or more every 24 hours。猫咪可以发出超过100种声音,你可能会想知道喵星人到底能发出来多少种音调的“喵” 叫声。另外猫咪每天能睡16个小时甚至更久。

  3. Shrimp can only swim backwards, turtles breathe through their asses, fish can drown and a duck can’t walk without bobbing its head. This always looks so funny to me。虾只会往后游,乌龟用屁股呼吸,鱼也会溺水,鸭子不摆头就不会走。这些我都觉得好有趣!

  4. 11% of people in the world are left-handed. Makes you wonder about all those left-handed desks there were in elementary school. When you mistakenly sat in one everything was wrong with the world。世界上有11%的人是左撇子, 这可能会让你想到小学里有的左撇子课桌。要是不小心跟左撇子坐了同桌,你会发现全世界都混乱了。

  5. The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows!蒙娜丽莎没有眉毛。

  6. The average raindrop falls at 7mph, which is I guess why it hurts so much when hail is pelleting you from the sky。雨点平均下降速度为每小时7英里(约为11千米),我猜这也是为什么冰雹从天空中降落砸到我们会觉得那么疼。

  7. Delaware, Georgia, Louisiana, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia — just a few of of the States that are named after a real human。特拉华州、乔治亚州、路易斯安那州、纽约州、宾夕法尼亚州、马里兰州、弗吉尼亚州,美国50个州当中只有这几个是根据真实名字命名的。

  8. No matter how hard you try, no piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times. I just tried it — it can’t be done。不管你多努力地尝试,你都无法将一张纸对半折超过7次,我试过了,我做不到。

  9. If you think about it, “Typewriter” is the longest word you can type on a keyboard that only uses a single row of qwerty letters。如果你仔细想想,你会发现“Typewriter” (打字机)是键盘上只使用一行字母就可以打出来的最长的英文单词。

  10. Because things get expand when they heated, hot water is actually HEAVIER than cold water。因为物体遇热膨胀,所以热水其实要比冷水重。

  11. Unfortunately, we daydream less as we get older and older. I guess reality and bills set in。不幸的是,随着我们年纪越来越大,我们做的白日梦就会越来越少。我猜是因为残酷的现实和堆积的账单的压力吧。


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