
2015年04月08日12:02  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  The world's biggest bunny is preparing to see his heavyweight title challenged - by his giant son。世界上最大的兔自达瑞斯现在面临竞争者的有力挑战,而这个“竞争者”就是它的儿子杰夫。

  Darius, who measures over four feet long and weighs in at a whopping three and a half stone, is officially the world's biggest rabbit。达瑞斯,身长超过1.2米,体重超过22公斤,一直是世界最大兔子的纪录保持者。

  But his title is now being contended by his son Jeff, who already measures 3ft 8in - with six months left of growing to do。但是,最近达瑞斯遇到了一个强劲的对手—他的儿子杰夫,虽然杰夫还有六个月的生长期,但现在他身长已经超过1.1米了。


  The rabbits' owner, Annette Edwards, 63, from Bromsgrove, says she looks forward to the day when Jeff dwarfs his father。巨兔父子的主人,是来自英国布罗姆斯格罗夫今年63岁的安妮特·爱德华兹,她说自己很期待杰夫超过自己父亲的那一天。

  It costs her £5,000 a year to feed her giant bunnies as they munch their way through 2,000 carrots and 700 apples。安妮特为了巨兔父子一年要花费5000英镑,两只兔子一年要吃掉2000根胡萝卜和700个苹果。

  The pair both also eat a huge dog bowl full of specialist rabbit food every day, and a bale of hay a week。除此之外它俩每天还会吃下一大盆的特质兔粮,每周能吃完一捆干草。


  Ms Edwards said: 'Although the pair of them are huge, they're the best animal friends I could ask for。安妮特说:“虽然它俩体型很大,但却是非常合适的宠物朋友。”

  'They are both very laid back

  and chilled out - Jeff really takes after his Dad. Most rabbits like lots of attention and get on well with children and these two are no exception. “杰夫继承了达瑞斯的温顺和好脾气,大部分兔子都喜欢受到关注、都能和孩子们友好地相处,杰夫和达瑞斯也不例外。”

  'They're even friendly to other animals! Jeff's best friend is my other pet, a boxer dog called Kay.' “它俩对其他动物也很友好,杰夫最好的朋友是我的一只名叫凯的宠物狗。”

  Jeff was born after Ms Edwards introduced Darius to one of her other rabbits Sally - another Continental Giant who measures 3ft 5 inches。杰夫是在安妮特把另一只身长1米的巨兔萨莉介绍给达瑞斯之后出生的。

  The family all live in her back garden but they are so big that they each require a dog crate that would normally house a pet as large as German shepherd。这一家三口都住在安妮特的花园里,但是因为它们体型巨大,所以它们每一只都需要一个平时用来装德国牧羊犬那么大的狗窝。

  Annette added: 'Darius was always big but Jeff is huge considering he's still a baby. I'm expecting him to grow much bigger than his dad。安妮特说:“达瑞斯体型一直都很大,但杰夫还只是个兔宝宝,所以我希望它能够超过达瑞斯。”

  'As soon as I think he's made it, he'll be measured by his vet and then Guinness will certify that he is the biggest rabbit in the world. “那一天一旦来到,我就会请兽医过来给杰夫测量,之后吉尼斯世界纪录就会确认杰夫为新的世界上最大的兔子。”

  'Even though they're so big, they are very low upkeep. They really do look after themselves most of the time. “父子俩虽然身形都很大,但保养费用无需太多,因为它们大部分时间都能够自己照顾好自己。”

  'They run free in the garden during the day and at night go to sleep in their cosy crates. They never make a mess and actually would be great house rabbits. “它们白天在花园里随意奔跑,晚上就回到自己舒适的小窝里睡觉。它们很讲卫生,是非常棒的家养兔。”

  'Although when they start to moult at the end of the summer, they need a good daily brush. “当然每到夏末的时候它们会褪毛,这时候就要经常为它们进行梳理。”

  'And being the world's biggest rabbit, and his son, they've got a giant appetite to match. “达瑞斯是目前世界上最大的兔子,与此相匹配的是它的好食欲,杰夫也一样。”

  'But it's actually good for them to be eating hay all day long - to keep their teeth and digestive system healthy.' “每天都吃干草确实对它们的牙齿和消化系统都有好处。”


文章关键词: 双语兔子

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