Research suggests that teachers are biased against overweight students, despite the fact they are no worse students than thin students. But fatphobia totally isn’t a real thing, guys!研究表明,教师对偏胖的学生心存偏见,尽管事实上,胖娃并不比瘦娃逊色。各位,恐胖真心没这个必要呐。
According to several studies, students who are overweight tend to receive lower grades, but there is no corresponding evidence to show that being overweight is linked to being less intelligent. This of course begs the question, why the lower grades? It seems the answer is that teachers think that overweight students are less intelligent, and dole out grades based on this perception. 一些研究表明,偏胖的学生更容易得低分,但并没有相应证据显示体重超标和智力稍逊有关。当然,这样又回归问题本身了,缘何分数就偏低呢?答案是,教师们似乎认为体重超标的学生相对笨些,因而就据此判断给胖娃打低分。
They note that there are other potential culprits, such as the possibility that academic performance for some overweight students might decrease due to bullying. But overall, there’s plenty to suggest that teacher biases play a big part. According to a recent study out of Harvard, weight gain among elementary school students “was significantly associated with worsening teacher perceptions of academic ability for both boys and girls, regardless of objectively measured ability。”研究指出,可能还有其他原因存在,诸如偏胖的学生或由于受欺侮而导致学业水平下降。但总体而言,有足够证据表明教师的偏见占了主导地位。哈佛最近开展的一项调查显示,就小学生体重增长问题而言,教师对学生的学业水平表现,男生也好,女生也罢,都存有偏见,根本不顾学生实际水平,而这一现象有愈演愈烈趋势。
易词解词(BY 摩西)
culprit n. 犯人,罪犯;被控犯罪的人。来自1066年诺曼征服之后英国法庭上说的法语Culpable: prest (d'averrer nostre bille) "。意思是检察官或公诉人宣布:guilty, ready (to prove our case),即:犯罪嫌疑人,赶紧什么都交代了吧。
significantly adv. 意味深长地;值得注目地。significant+副词后缀-ly,而significant=signifying,后缀-ant拉丁语里表现在分词。signify意味着是说能作为一个sign,sign是什么?是前人刻在书上指引你方向的标记。
As they point out, overweight individuals tend to have fewer overall opportunities throughout their lives, and if that trend begins in childhood with teachers who give children a mistakenly
low impression of their own achievement, then we need to start addressing that and making sure that all children have equal opportunities from the beginning. 研究指出,总的来讲,偏胖的学生终其一生机会就偏少,如果这一趋势始于童年,由于教师的错误引导而让学生低估了自己的学业表现,那我们就有必要重申并且确保所有孩子从一开始就享有等同的机会。
A person’s weight has nothing to do with their intelligence. Being overweight doesn’t mean you’re stupid; being thin doesn’t mean you’re smart. Intelligent people come in all shapes and sizes, despite widespread cultural myths about fat people as “lazy” or “dumb。” And teachers should treat all their students accordingly。一个人的体重与其智力没有丝毫关系。偏胖并不意味着笨,瘦也不意味着就聪明。尽管广为流传的文化迷思认为,胖的人非懒即笨,事实上才智聪颖的人体型有胖也有瘦、身材有好也有坏。教师们应该一视同仁。