Lost wallets which contain a snapshot of a baby are more likely tobe returned to their owners, scientists have discovered。
Researchers left 240 wallets on the streets of Edinburgh lastyear to see how many were returned to their owners. Some of thewallets contained one of four photographs--the baby, a cute puppy,a family and a portrait of an elderly couple。
Other wallets contained a card suggesting the owner hadrecently made a charity donation, while a control batch containedno additional items。
Professor Richard Wiseman, a psychologist who supervised theexperiment, said 42 per cent of the wallets were posted back intotal。
Those containing the picture of the infant were most likely totrigger an honest reaction from the finder, with 88 per cent beingreturned, followed by those containing pictures of the puppy at 53per cent。
Of those featuring the family snapshot, 48 per cent were sentto the return address and only 28 per cent of those with thepicture of the elderly couple。
Wallets containing the charity cards and the control samplewere least likely to be returned, with rates of 20 and 15 per centrespectively。
Prof Wiseman, of the University of Hertfordshire, said: "Thebaby kicked off a caring feeling in people, which is not surprisingfrom an evolutionary perspective."
"We were amazed by the high percentage of wallets that cameback."
The wallets were planted at random about a quarter of a mileapart. Snapshots were inserted into a clear plastic window insidethe wallets, none of which contained money。
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