A month ago, the neighbourhood of North Lakes in Brisbane was terrified by a giant kangaroo named “Dave”。一个月前,在澳洲,一只名叫“德夫”的巨大袋鼠着实让周边的居民们吓了一跳。
Weighing in at 95kg this monstrous marsupial immediately drew parallels with bodybuilders for the size of his biceps。这只袋鼠重达95公斤,体格魁梧,它硕大的肱二头肌简直可以跟健美教练相媲美。
Found in the Kangaroo sanctuary in Alice Springs, “Roger” stands at 2m tall and likes to spend his time crushing his metal feeding buckets。这只拳击手袋鼠居住在艾丽斯·斯普林斯的自然保护区,身高达两米,最喜欢的消遣就是把一只只喂食的铁桶给锤扁。
In a video online Roger chases Mr Barnes, who is over 7ft tall himself, and steals his hat. He then approaches the camera to flex his muscles。在一段网络视频上我们可以看到,拳击手袋鼠正在追逐巴恩斯先生。后者身高超过2米,拳击手袋鼠还偷走了他的帽子,然后凑近摄像头,活动自己的肌肉。
Roger is particularly good at striking the muscle man pose at the sanctuary which was founded by Mr Barnes and has been living there since he was rescued as a joey. He is now nine-years-old。这个自然保护区是巴恩斯先生创办的,当拳击手袋鼠还是一只幼崽的时候,人们对它进行了救护,自此它就一直住在这个保护区里。拳击手袋鼠尤其擅长摆出一副肌肉男的架势。现在它已经九岁了。
According to Mr Barnes, “[Roger] will attack anyone or anything that gets too close to him or his women,” showing off the marsupial’s jealous streak。巴恩斯先生说:“无论谁凑近拳击手或者它的伴侣,它都会把他痛扁一顿。”看来这是一只善妒的袋鼠哦。
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