A two-legged kitten has become something of an online celebrity after building up a 50,000-strong following on Instagram, just one month after her account was created. 这只两脚喵星人的Instagram账号创建一个月就有了50000粉丝,现在已经成了网络红猫了。
She was born without her front two legs as the result of a congenital abnormality。她出生的时候就由于先天缺陷而没有前腿。
But that hasn't stopped the adorable one-year-old feline from living an incredibly happy life. 'Roux has adapted her special walk by not just walking on her back paws but by keeping the lowest portion of her hind legs flat for more balance, like a kangaroo,' Jackie explained. 但这只1岁的可爱喵星人却仍然过着非常快乐的生活。“露露已经习惯了独特的走路方式,她不仅仅是用后腿走路,她还会尽量地让后腿的下肢触地来保持平衡,就像袋鼠一样,”主人婕克解释道。
'Her nubs swing back and forth while she walks but they do not touch the ground. “她走路的时候前腿的部位会摆来摆去,不过不会触到地面。
'When she wants to move quickly or play (her favorite move is to run after and tackle her sister Graybee) she hops with both back legs in unison like a rabbit. She can move very fast when she wants to!' “当她想要走得快点或者玩耍的时候(她最喜欢的就是追着她的姐姐葛雷碧然后扑倒她),她会用两只后腿一起跳,像兔子一样。只要她想,她是可以走得很快的。
According to Jackie, Roux may need to be fitted with prosthetic
legs when she gets older, particularly if the hopping starts to take its toll on her back, however at the moment, her devoted owner says that her 'back legs are quite strong and she can leap impressively high'。婕克说,露露长大后可能需要装假肢,因为到那时跳跃会给她的背造成很大负担。不过现在,悉心照顾她的主人说“她的后腿很强壮,她可以跳得非常高”。
Despite her disabilities, Jackie explains that really she is no different to any other cat, and finds enjoyment in many of the same activities that all four-legged felines love doing too. 尽管她前脚有缺陷,婕克说她其实跟其他猫没什么区别。其他四肢健全的猫喜欢做的事她都喜欢做。
'Roux likes eating, sleeping, stretching her nubs, stretching her back legs, hogging bed space, chin scratches, propping her nubs on various things like chair rungs, begging for more treats, pouncing on her sister Graybee, flinging
her little mouse toy with her mouth, watching the fish tank, bird watching out the window, and giving scratchy tongue kisses on my nose,' Jackie added. “露露喜欢吃、睡觉、伸懒腰、蹦床、打哈欠、把前爪搭在各种东西(比如椅子梁)上、求你摸她、扑倒她的姐姐葛雷碧、用嘴把老鼠玩具扔来扔去、看金鱼缸、看窗外的鸟、还有舔我的鼻子,”婕克接着说道。
On every picture and video that Jackie posts of Roux, her followers are full of praise for the cute kitten, leaving dozens of comments in which they compliment both Roux's sweet nature, and Jackie's dedication to ensuring her cat has a good life。在婕克发的露露的照片和视频里,粉丝们非常欣赏这只可爱的喵星人,留下很多评论称赞露露讨人喜爱的天性和婕克对猫咪的悉心照顾,感激婕克给了她美好的生活。
'I seriously just love this sweety, thank you for sharing her with us! So freaking adorable!' one person commented on a recent picture posted to the account, while another added: 'You have such a beautiful cat and she's like the greatest gem i ever seen so far. 有人在账号上最近的一张照片下面评论:“我真的很喜欢这个小可爱,谢谢你给我们分享她的事!可爱死了!”然后有人补充:“你的猫真漂亮,她就像是我见过最精美的珍宝一样。”
'She's lucky to have a saint like u looking after her. I'm glad this special kitty is in good hands.' “她真幸运,有你这样的天使照顾她。这只特别的小猫被照顾得很好我很开心。”
A third noted: 'Absolutely in love with ur page glad to see such caring people that love there pets no matter what! Nice to have people like you in this world.'还有一条评论是:“完全爱上你的页面了,看到这么有爱的人这样爱着自己的宠物我真的很高兴。世界上有像你这么好的人真是太棒了。”
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