
2015年07月09日10:45  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
猫头鹰和萌猫成就史上最火爆跨种族友情(双语) 猫头鹰和萌猫成就史上最火爆跨种族友情(双语)
猫头鹰和萌猫成就史上最火爆跨种族友情(双语) 猫头鹰和萌猫成就史上最火爆跨种族友情(双语)
猫头鹰和萌猫成就史上最火爆跨种族友情(双语) 猫头鹰和萌猫成就史上最火爆跨种族友情(双语)
猫头鹰和萌猫成就史上最火爆跨种族友情(双语) 猫头鹰和萌猫成就史上最火爆跨种族友情(双语)

  编辑点评:《马达加斯加》中有斑马与河马的爱恋,而浪漫主义诗人爱德华•利尔(Edward Lear)也曾写过一首小诗,讲的是猫头鹰同猫咪间的爱。那么现实生活中呢?日本大阪的一家咖啡馆就出了这么对跨越种族的闺蜜,仿佛是那首诗现代版的呼应,令人不得不感慨造化之神奇。

  You wouldn't think a cat and a bird would get on so well, but surprisingly the two have become best pals...There's not a pea-green boat in sight - but this friendship is straight out of an Edward Lear poem。你也许无法想到一只小猫与一只鸟能相处得如此之好,但令人惊奇的是,它俩成为了最好的小伙伴…视线中并没有青豆色的小船,但这段友情却同爱德华·利尔(Edward Lear)的一首诗中的友情如出一辙。

  The Hukulou cafe concentrates on keeping various types of birds of prey, mainly owls, but also has the occasional rabbit which the owner insists is not at risk from his feathered friends. Fuku lives with a lot of other birds - but this adorable fluffy kitten is his new bestie。这家咖啡馆致力于收养各种食肉鸟类(主要是猫头鹰),但偶尔也会有小兔子。店主坚持认为它与有羽毛的朋友们待在一起没有生命危险。Fuku同许多其他种类的鸟住在一起。这只可爱而毛茸茸的小猫却成为他的新闺蜜。

  And they're probably the cutest pals around. The unlikely friendship between the two surprise the owner who hoped that the animals would get on, but did not realise how well they would get on。而且它们有可能是附近最可爱的一对朋友。它们俩不可思议的友情让店主大吃一惊。店主倒是希望它们能相处融洽,但也没意识到它们能融洽到何种地步。

  Fuku lives at the Hukulou Coffee café in Osaka, Japan.Fuku住在日本大阪的一家名叫Hukulou的咖啡馆里。

  Now the menagerie has been joined by a Scottish Fold kitten named Marimo who has become best friends with a baby owl named Fuku. They love hanging out together。现在这家动物饲养所收容了这只苏格兰折耳小猫咪Marimo。它已经同猫头鹰宝宝Fuku成为了一对最好的朋友呢。它们喜欢一同出行。

  And snuggling up to nap... They even sleep cuddle up together as these pictures show, with the kitten growing faster than his owl friend。以及依偎着打盹。它们甚至像这些图片中展示的那样,蜷缩在一起睡觉。小猫咪比它的猫头鹰朋友长得更快。


文章关键词: 双语猫头鹰友情

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