Men who drive blue BMWs are more likely to be aggressive thanmotorists in any other car, a study claims.
And the peak time for drivers to get angry is 5.45pm on aFriday as they fight the rush-hour – followed by the dismal Mondaymorning commute。
The likeliest road rage culprits are men aged 35-50 with blueBMW cars, the study of 2,837 motorists found. Drivers also reportedrun-ins with owners of Land Rovers, Audis, Subarus andVauxhalls。
Blue was seen as the most aggressive colour, followed byblack, silver, green and red。
Men said they lost their temper behind the wheel seven times amonth on average, while women got angry on only threeoccasions。
Drivers most often expressed road rage by shouting andswearing, followed by erratic driving and obscene gestures, thestudy for discount website VoucherCodesPro revealed。
The poll also found, unsurprisingly, that Monday morning andFriday evening proved to be the most stressful times, whenmotorists are queuing to get to and from work。
Motorists were asked to pick the make and colour of car fromwhich they have experienced the most incidents of road rage - andblue BMWs came out on top。
George Charles of VoucherCodesPro said: ‘During peak periodsof traffic, whether it be the Monday morning school run or thehectic rush hour on a Friday evening, it is all too easy to allowthe common manifestations of road rage to get the better of us asmotorists。
‘This research, although slightly humorous in some of itsfindings, does indicate an important point。
‘Road rage is not something to be taken lightly and theseresults show that many motorists need to remind themselves thatsometimes losing your temper whilst driving can result in seriousaltercations, assaults, and collisions that cause injuries orworse.’
(Source: Mail Online)
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