Type 1: Unexpected demands。类型一:要求袭来,措手不及。
1. “Can you change the school lunches? My son prefers them to my cooking。”“(老师)您能换掉学校食堂的午餐吗?我儿子都不爱吃我做的饭了!”
2. “Please don’t correct her spelling; it knocks her confidence。”“麻烦不要指出(我女儿)她的拼写错误,那会击垮她的自信心。”
3. Parent: “My son will need two spaces on the coach because he likes to sleep。”家长说道:“我儿子在大巴上将要占用两个位置,因为他喜欢(躺着)睡觉。”
Teacher: “Unfortunately all of the seats are taken。”老师(无奈)回答:“不好意思,车上所有的座位都坐满了。”
Parent: “Can you get a bigger coach?”家长回道:“您能换辆更大的车吗?”
4. “Can you call me if you see her hanging around with boys?”“如果您看到她和男孩子们一起出去逛,您能打电话告诉我吗?”
Type 2: Comments showing dissatisfactions about teachers。类型二:对老师们表现不满。
1. “I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to dye your hair。”“我觉得您染头发(这个行为)并不合适。”
2. “I don’t mind if he swears, so I don’t see why you should。”“我不介意他(我儿子)骂人,可我不能理解老师您竟然说脏话。”
Type 3: Lame excuses and explanations that cannot hold water。类型三:蹩脚的借口和站不住脚的解释。
1. “He can’t come to revision; he has to go to the gym because he’s fat。”“他(我儿子)不能来复习课了,他得去健身馆减肥。”
2. “I don’t do homework, so why should my son?”“我都不做作业,那我儿子为什么应该做?”
3. “Why can’t he wear running spikes for the egg and spoon race?”“为什么他不能在汤匙盛蛋赛跑比赛中穿运动钉鞋?”
4. “He is only bullying people because he is more developed than them。”“他只是在欺负人,因为他比这些人更成熟。”