I’m game to try beer-flavored anything. Ice cream company Frozen Pints makes a selection of beer ice cream flavors, including Brown Ale Chip and Honey IPA。能尝试啤酒味的食物,说明我很有勇气。一家名叫Frozen Pints的冰淇淋公司发明了一系列的啤酒口味冰淇淋,包括棕色爱尔啤酒口味和蜂蜜IPA两种口味。
Combining vegetables with ice cream seems unnatural to begin with. But, this combination is actually quite crisp and refreshing. Many claim that it tastes similar to melon, much like a creamy sorbet。将蔬菜与冰淇淋组合在一起,乍看之下似乎不太自然。可事实上,这种组合口味的冰淇淋即清脆可口又清新怡人。许多人说这种口味尝起来像甜瓜,就好像加了奶油的雪葩一样。
3.Curry Flavored Ice Cream咖喱口味的冰淇淋
It's featured as one of their "exotic" flavors and is said to be sweet with hints of coconut。这是这家冰淇淋店里的“异域风情”款冰淇淋之一,据说是甜味的,还有点椰子的口感。
4.Honey Jalapeno Pickle蜂蜜与墨西哥胡椒
I’m totally in favor of a great combination of salty and sweet, but this is something I never would’ve thought of on my own. As one of the flavors at Sweet Action Ice Cream in Denver, this treat features chopped cucumbers coated in Colorado honey along with pieces of fresh jalapeno, all mixed into a sweet cream for a dessert that’s both sweet and savory。对于甜咸的经典组合我是完全支持的,可是这种味道却是我自己绝不会想到的。这种口味的冰淇淋来自丹佛的甜蜜行动冰淇淋连锁店,这款甜点的招牌特色是,黄瓜丁淋上科罗拉多产的蜂蜜,加上新鲜的墨西哥胡椒,将这些配料全都混合在甜甜的冰淇淋里,就成了一款即甜美可有,又咸味悠长的甜点。
5.Lox Ice Cream熏鲑鱼冰淇淋
It's brunch in a cone: vanilla ice cream mixed with bits of nova lox, cream cheese and topped off with salt. Other flavors from the shop include pizza and chocolate-covered potato-chip fudge。这简直就是甜筒里的早中餐:香草冰淇淋加上碎状的熏鲑鱼,顶上再撒上碎盐。发明这种口味的冰淇淋的店里还有披萨口味和巧克力糖衣加薯条软糖口味的冰淇淋。
When you first hear the words “mushroom” and “ice cream” together, your immediate reaction might be to turn your nose up and say “Ew。” However, this flavor is made with candy cap mushrooms, which supposedly smell just like maple syrup。当你初听到“蘑菇”与“冰淇淋”两个词组合起来的想法时,你的第一反应可能是皱起鼻子,说“恶心!”,不过,这款冰淇淋是用一种特殊的糖帽蘑菇做的,这种蘑菇闻起来就像枫糖浆一样。
7.Sichuan Pepper花椒
This surprisingly refreshing ice cream contains just a few ingredients, including whole milk, sugar, double cream, large egg yolks, a pinch of salt, and — of course — Sichuan peppers。这款冰淇淋提神醒脑的作用出乎意料,里面只含有几种配料,包括全脂牛奶,糖,高脂厚奶油,两个大蛋黄,少许盐,当然——还有花椒。
8.Spaghetti and Cheese Ice Cream意大利面加上奶酪口味冰淇淋
It's cheese flavored with pieces of spaghetti. There's no pasta sauce in the mix, but feel free to drizzle it on at your own risk。这款奶酪口味的冰淇淋伴有段状的意大利面调味。配料里没有意大利面酱,不过你尽可以把意大利面酱淋在上面,后果自负哟。
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