1. Keep cool in cotton穿棉质衣服
Choosing the right fabric is essential if you want to stay cool in the heat. But it’s not just synthetic fabrics that should be avoided: silk and wool trap heat against your body by preventing warm air flowing out. Look out for cotton, linen and rayon that absorb moisture and allow air circulation。在炎热天气里想要保持凉爽,穿衣时选择正确的纤维材料很有必要。但不仅要避免穿合成纤维材料的衣服:丝绸和羊毛有保暖的作用,亦会阻止热风散发。而棉质材料的衣服,亚麻和人造丝则可以吸汗和透气。
2. Let it all hang loose穿宽松的衣服
Wear clothes that don’t cling to your body to allow more air. 穿那种非紧身的衣服,以便透气。
When you get dressed tomorrow morning avoid anything skin tight or body con and veer towards your baggier, looser fitting clothes. Breezy dresses and full skirts are a good option。当你明天早上挑选裙子时,不要选择紧身的衣服,而是要选择那种大的,宽松的衣服。宽松连衣裙或者蓬蓬裙都是非常好的选择。
3. Cover-up不要露太多
Wearing as little as possible doesn’t necessarily mean you will be cooler. Covering up can actually help to keep you cooler by protecting your skin from the sun, essential if you want to stay cool in the heat。穿的越少并不代表能让你更凉快。穿的严实一点可以帮助你避免太阳直晒,从而保持凉爽。
4. Look pretty in pastels选择浅色服装
It’s a fact that dark colours absorb more heat than light ones, so tomorrow is not the day to wear a L.B.D. White,beige and light pastel colours are the best shades to wear to keep your skin cool。事实上深色服装比浅色服装更容易吸热,所以夏天不要穿黑灰色衣服,选择白色,米黄色或者其他浅颜色的衣服才是最好的选择,并能帮你的皮肤保持凉爽。
5. Wear a hat戴遮阳帽
Wear a lightweight hat for extra protection. Panama hats and trilbies are a great style statement and will keep you cool. But make sure you pick a breathable fabric (no wool or polyester) and the wider the brim the better。戴一顶轻便的帽子进行额外保护。巴拿马式草帽或者软毡帽既能凹造型又能防晒。但确保你选择的是透气材质(不要羊绒或者涤纶),帽檐越宽越好。
6. Carry a spritz自带喷雾水
This is such a simple trick but it works so well. Simply spray your face and arms and you will cool you down as the water evaporates from the skin。这是一个简单又行之有效的方法。只要简单的将水雾喷到脸上,胳膊上,当水蒸发时,就能让你感觉凉爽。
7. Wear sunglasses戴太阳眼镜
Believe it or not wearing sunglasses doesn’t just make you look cool but they are essential on a hot day like tomorrow to protect your eyes from harmful UVA & UVB rays。信不信由你,太阳眼睛不仅仅可以帮你装酷,它还可以帮助让你的眼睛在炎热天气里(例如明天)免受UVA和UVB紫外线的伤害。