The words you use are more powerful than you imagine. Most people greet each other with words that have no power. Think of the last time you heard someone else (or even yourself) respond to a greeting of "How are you?" with "Oh, I am doing so-so," "Hanging in there," "I'm surviving" or "Not too bad." It probably wasn't much past yesterday。你说的话比你想的更强大。大部分人和别人打招呼不会用强有力的词语。想想你上次听到别人(或者自己)对于“你好吗”的回应,总是“哦,一般般”、“就这样”、“还活着”或者是“还不赖”。这可能昨天才发生。
Try this: Use words to change your situation, not to describe it。试试这个:用一些能改变你处境的词语,而不仅仅只是形容这种处境的词。
First, the next time anyone asks, "How are you?" whether it's someone at work or a cashier at the store, respond with strength. Give them an energetic, enthusiastic "Great!" or "Terrific!"首先,下次有人问你:“你好吗?”,不管是工作伙伴还是商店结账员,有力地回应他们。充满干劲、热情地回答“非常好!”、“棒极了!”
It will be hard to do without a smile on your face, and you are likely to get one back. Second, you will likely feel a physical response of increased energy. Third, your words will send a message to your mind that will be consistent with feeling Great! or Terrific!如果你脸上没有笑容的话这是很难做到的。很有可能你会受到冷遇。第二,你可能感到身体能量增加。第三,你的言语会传递给你的大脑一种信息,让你持续感觉良好。
To see the results, you have to do this often and with sincere enthusiasm (not robotically). When you do, your subconscious mind will begin to act on what you are saying and begin to design your reality to be consistent with your thoughts and words。要看到效果,你必须经常这么做,要发自真心(而不是机械地)。当你这么做的时候,你潜意识里开始实践你在说的话,做到言行一致。
Yoda from Star Wars, understood this when he commanded Luke Skywalker, "Do or do not. There is no try."星球大战中的尤达在给天行者卢克下令的时候说:“要么做要么不做。没有尝试的余地。”
Speaking with power also creates a sense of accountability
and commitment to get the best from yourself and others. Your challenge is to consciously avoid using words that are power killers. These words sap energy and commitment from your interactions, and ultimately, your actions. 说话有力同样也会产生责任感和承诺,让你从自己和别人身上得到益处。难在要有意识地避免使用虚弱无力的词语。这些词会削弱你人际交往中的力量和承诺,最后影响你的行动。
First, eliminate these words from your vocabulary: 首先,避免使用这些词语:
I can't我不行
I don't think我不认为
I don't have the time我没时间
I'm afraid of恐怕
I don't believe我不相信
It's impossible。这不可能
Omitting these words is not enough. A sports team needs more than just a good defense to win; it also needs a powerful offense. So, mobilize your own offensive assault with the words you choose。仅仅避免这些词语还不够。一只体育队伍要想赢,不仅仅要会防守,同样也需要有力地进攻。所以,用你自己的语言来进攻。
Build positive mental connections and commitment by using these power builders:用以下强大的词语从心理上构建积极的联系和承诺:
I can我能
I will我会
Expect the best等着最好的
I know我知道
I will make the time我会抽出时间
I am confident我有信心
I do believe我相信
All things are possible。一切皆有可能。
The power of your actions is preceded by the power of your words. Speak with power to bring out the best in yourself and others。你行动的力量来自你言语的力量。充满力量地说话,把你自己和别人最好的一面展现出来。