A groundbreaking study reveals cats CAN talk to humans一项开创性研究揭露猫可以同人类讲话。
It's the confirmation that cat-lovers the world over have been waiting to hear - our furry feline friends can talk to us。这也是全世界的爱猫者一直等待证实的问题,即我们毛茸茸的小朋友是可以同我们讲话的。
Of course, we already knew that, what with the lengthy conversations we hold when no-one else is around。当然,我们已经知道,周围没有别人时我们那大段大段的对话到底是怎么回事。
But now an American scientist had produced the evidence to prove that we're not all going mad。
Sharon Crowell-Davis, a professor of veterinary behavior at the University of Georgia, believes cats are as expressive as dogs。但是现在,一位美国科学家提供证据来证明,我们并没有发疯。乔治亚大学的动物行为教授莎伦·克罗韦尔-戴维斯认为,猫和狗一样善于表达。
Online sensation 'Confused Kitten' might not be so puzzled if we could understand him。如果我们能够理解网络名猫“困惑小喵”的话,它或许就不会这么困惑了。
The International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants' 2015 Feline Behaviour Conference - yes that's a real thing - heard that humans are the problem: we don't understand what cats are saying.2015年动物行为研究顾问国际组织召开的猫咪行为会议(是的,那是真的)提出,人类才是问题的关键,是我们不理解猫在说什么。
Dr Crowell-Davis said: “When you’ve been at work or school all day, and your cat comes up and rubs back and forth against you, and he may wrap his tail across your calves — what your cat is doing is taking a friendly greeting behaviour that normally functions within their species and moves it to relating with the human species." 克罗韦尔-戴维斯教授说:“当你一整天都在工作或在学校,回到家时它会来回的轻轻蹭你,还可能用它的小尾巴在你的小腿间摩挲。它是用这种方式在友好地向你问好,就像他们同种类间会用这种方式问好一样。”
Mikel Delgado, a PhD candidate in animal behavior at the University of California, Berkeley, told New York magazine: "I do think that, over time, we’ll see that cats aren’t that mysterious."加州大学动物行为专业博士米克尔·戴尔加多告诉《纽约》杂志说:“我真的认为,随着时间的推移,猫将不再神秘。”
The research concluded that while there is no universal cat language, every cat and its owner can develop their own understanding。这项研究总结道,虽然现在没有通用的猫语,但是猫可以和他的主人相互理解。
John Bradshaw, a University of Bristol anthrozoologist, said: "You can have cats that are happy and content purring, but also a cat that’s injured or sick will purr。布里斯托尔大学的动物学家约翰·布拉德肖说:“猫可能因为高兴而发出呼噜声,同时也可能因为受伤或生病发出呼噜声。”
Cats can develop a unique code with their owners, the research suggests. They haven’t got a good way of asking for help — it’s not in their language — so they do the next best thing, they do the purring thing. “The meaning is not exactly right, but it’s the closest they can get to it。”这项研究表明,猫可以同它的主人用一种独特的语言进行交流。它们还没有一个好的方法来寻求帮助,因为求助并不存在于它们的语言中,所以它们选择另一种方式——呼噜呼噜地叫。“虽然表达的意思可能不全正确,但是这是它们能做的与求助最接近的事。”