Flying cars has always captivated
the world's imagination. Now, one company claims it is one step closer to making the technology a reality after releasing new designs for its revolutionary vehicle known as the TF-X。飞行汽车一直以来都吸引着全世界的想象力。如今,一家公司发布了一款名为TF-X的革新运载工具的最新设计,声称他们朝着把技术变为现实又迈进了一步。
Terrafugia's concept vehicle - which doubles as both a plane and a land car - has fold-out wings with twin electric motors attached to each end.These motors allow the TF-X to move from a vertical to a horizontal position, and will be powered by a 300 hp engine.Terrafugia公司的概念车既可作飞机又可以作汽车,一对可折叠机翼各按有一个马达,保证TF-X可以从纵向朝水平方向移动,其引擎驱动达300马力。
Thrust will be provided by a ducted fan, and the vehicle will have a cruising speed of 200 mph (322 km/h), along with a 500 mile (805 km) flight range。导管风扇提供推力,飞行汽车的巡航速度可达每小时200英里(322千米/小时),巡航里程可达500英里(805千米)。
The company says its aim is to provide 'true door-to-door transportation,' with the vehicle capable of being parked in a home garage like an ordinary car.The planned four-person TF-X will be semi-autonmous and use computer-controls so that passengers can simply type in a destination before taking off. 公司称他们的目标是提供真正的“门对门的交通运输”,飞行汽车可以像普通汽车一样停在自家车库里。TF-X计划四人座,由电脑半自动控制,乘客只要起飞前输入目的地即可。
However, Massachusetts-based firm Terrafugia says the TF-X will still be another 8-12 years in development. 然而,总部设在马萨诸塞州的Terrafugia公司称,TF-X还要8至12年才能成形。
They have been dreaming about flying cars since the turn of the 20th century. The Transition street-legal airplane is the first step on the road to the practical flying car.They're making personal aviation progressively safer and more accessible to a broader segment of the population.Terrafugia公司称自20世纪之交,他们一直梦想做飞行车。Transition这款飞机可以在路面行驶,这是他们迈向真正飞行汽车的第一步。他们在不断优化其安全性,并让更多人接触到私人飞行。