美国贪吃小松鼠走红 为食物自愿摆拍(图)

2015年07月31日11:06  国际在线 微博    收藏本文     
美国贪吃松鼠走红 为食物自愿摆拍 美国贪吃松鼠走红 为食物自愿摆拍
美国贪吃松鼠走红 为食物自愿摆拍 美国贪吃松鼠走红 为食物自愿摆拍
美国贪吃松鼠走红 为食物自愿摆拍 美国贪吃松鼠走红 为食物自愿摆拍
美国贪吃松鼠走红 为食物自愿摆拍 美国贪吃松鼠走红 为食物自愿摆拍
美国贪吃松鼠走红 为食物自愿摆拍 美国贪吃松鼠走红 为食物自愿摆拍
美国贪吃松鼠走红 为食物自愿摆拍 美国贪吃松鼠走红 为食物自愿摆拍





  She is the most popular "friend" on campus, with an extensive wardrobe, accessories to die for andmore Facebook fans than any of her peers。

  But despite having "attended" Penn State University for the last two years, she is not a student or member of the faculty。

  Sneezy is a wild grey squirrel, a friendly little soul who loves dressing up and posing for photographs in return for nuts。

  In fact, Sneezy is so amenable to posing that she has her own Facebook page dedicated to her changing fashions, featuring photographs of her dressed in her favourite outfits。

  The site was created by Mary Krupa, a junior (third year student) at the college, who creates Sneezy's outfits and takes her photographs, and has been given the nickname "The Squirrel Whisperer" as a result。

  She first began befriending the many squirrels on campus in her first, freshman year, and soon had an army of fluffy-tailed friends who knew to come running when they saw her arrive bearing her tupperware box of nuts。

  After a while, she realised that some were relaxed enough for her to put little dolls' hats on their heads。

  Sneezy – who she named for the snuffling sound the squirrel made as she rooted for acorns – was the most willing of her rodent menagerie, and she was soon dressing her up in outfits ranging from Easter bonnets to sunglasses and even a tiny chef's cap。

  To date, the page has more than 20,000 likes – more than the page belonging to Nittany Lion, mascot for the hugely successful Penn State American football team。

文章关键词: 双语松鼠贪吃美国

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