
2015年07月31日13:58  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
日本萝莉风席卷穆斯林:头巾妹变洋娃娃(双语) 日本萝莉风席卷穆斯林:头巾妹变洋娃娃(双语)
日本萝莉风席卷穆斯林:头巾妹变洋娃娃(双语) 日本萝莉风席卷穆斯林:头巾妹变洋娃娃(双语)
日本萝莉风席卷穆斯林:头巾妹变洋娃娃(双语) 日本萝莉风席卷穆斯林:头巾妹变洋娃娃(双语)
日本萝莉风席卷穆斯林:头巾妹变洋娃娃(双语) 日本萝莉风席卷穆斯林:头巾妹变洋娃娃(双语)
日本萝莉风席卷穆斯林:头巾妹变洋娃娃(双语) 日本萝莉风席卷穆斯林:头巾妹变洋娃娃(双语)

  In an awesome fashion mash-up that nobody could’ve foreseen, Muslim fans of the Japanese lolita fashion trend have begun pairing these sweet-as-candy outfits with their hijabs, creating a unique new style that Japanese lolita fans are falling in love with。有种你不曾预见的混搭时尚艳惊四座, 追随日本萝莉风潮的穆斯林粉丝开始着手把甜美如糖果的行头与其希贾布搭配,创造了别具一格的新时尚,日本萝莉风潮的追随者对此一见钟情、欲罢不能。

  The lolita trend, at its most basic, involves wearing modernized Victorian- or Rococo-style dresses and outfits that are heavily accessorized and painstakingly coordinated into elaborate

  costumes. The trend’s fans (called ‘lolitas’) then meet up at various events to spend time together and appreciate each others’ outfits (or, as they call them, ‘coords’)。萝莉风潮的本质是穿着现代维多利亚女装或洛可可风行头,辅以厚重的配饰,精心搭配设计繁丽的服装。这一潮流的粉丝(人称“小萝莉”)在各种场合会面,共度时光欣赏彼此的服饰(他们称其为“配搭”)。

  Two Muslim lolitas, Noor and Alyssa, have pioneered the combination of lolita costumes with their Muslim hijabs. While fittingly stylish and flamboyant, their costumes still fully adhere to their religious principles。两位穆斯林萝莉,诺和阿里萨率开启西萝莉风服饰和穆斯林希贾布组合穿搭,其得体有型、艳丽惹眼的服饰仍然尊崇其宗教准则。


文章关键词: 双语萝莉穆斯林洋娃娃日本

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