7个原因解释 为何人缘好更容易成功(双语)

2015年08月06日10:10  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
7个原因解释 为何人缘好更容易成功7个原因解释 为何人缘好更容易成功

  We all know this to be true, whether or not we are conscious of it. In the longer term, likeable people win out over all others. It does not matter how smart, experienced, educated or hard working you are. Likeable people are more fun to work with, inspire loyalty amongst their peers and are "lighter to lift" within any team or organization。不管有没有意识到,我们都明白一点。从长远来看,人缘好的人会从人群中脱颖而出。这和你有多聪明、多有经验、受教育程度有多高或者工作多努力都关系不大。和人缘好的人共事比较有乐趣,他们能培养出同事间的忠诚,而且在所有的团队或组织中都比较容易获得晋升。

  At a certain level in our careers, we have the skills, talent and capabilities to do the job. What stops a lot of people getting to the next level is their likeability

  factor. When making hiring decisions and progression planning, managers and executives want the likeable people on their team. Before we are professionals we are all human beings. It is natural to want to be surrounded by positive, uplifting people. 在我们职业发展的某个阶段,我们具备了这份工作所需要的技巧、才华和能力。但是,阻碍很多人上升到下一个等级的往往是他们的亲和力因素。经理和高管们在招聘人才和制定发展规划时,希望加入他们团队的是有亲和力的人。在我们成为专家以前,我们得先学会做人。每个人都希望周围是积极向上、正能量满满的人。

  Here are seven reasons likeable people succeed:人缘好的人成功的七个原因:

  1. No (or minimal) ego. 谦虚(至少不自大)。

  Who likes an ego? No one。谁喜欢一个自以为是的人?大家都不会。

  2. Likeable people elevate others. 人缘好的人提高他人。

  They praise, share credit and enjoy other people's successes. Funnily enough, this quality elevates them the most. It's testament to the lovely old truth that we keep what we give away。他们赞美别人,和别人分享荣耀,为别人的成功喝彩。有意思的是,这种品质大大地提高了他们自身。这再次证明了那句有爱的古老真理:我们留下了给予他人的东西。

  3. They make us feel relaxed。他们让我们觉得舒适。

  Less-likeable people create stress, tension and can even make people defensive and on edge. Those emotions are not enjoyable。人缘不好的人会制造压力、紧张感,甚至让别人产生防御心理或者紧张不安。这些感觉太不爽了。

  4. "All else being equal, people do business with people they like," Jeffrey Gitomer, The Little Red Book of Selling。杰弗里·吉特默在《销售红宝书》里说:“在其他一切相同的条件下,人们更愿意和他们喜欢的人做生意。”

  This does not just stop with sales people. It applies to all relationships -- internally and even socially。这句话不仅适用于销售人员,它适用于所有的人际关系——包括内部关系和社会关系。


  5. Positive attracts positive. Negativity repels. 我们想靠近正能量,远离负能量。

  This is simple and yet so often misunderstood. A negative attitude, even if it is not directed at us, makes us want to avoid the person generating it. Positivity on the other hand is very attractive。这句话很简单,但是很经常被误解。我们会对一个产生消极态度的人敬而远之,即使这种态度并非针对我们的。相反地,积极向上的人非常迷人。

  6. More so than ever, employers are focused on creating supportive company cultures.  雇主从来没有像现在这样专注于创造积极向上的公司文化。

  They understand how much it contributes to an organization's success.  Well-liked people supply a lot of value to a professional culture。他们明白这样的公司文化对于一个公司成功的重要性。人缘好的人给企业文化注入了许多价值。

  7. Likeable people are often inclusive and are therefore always included. 人缘好的人往往很有亲和力,所以他们很容易被别人接纳。

  They do not operate out of fear in the workplace but out of happiness and generosity. As a result, likeable people are often consulted for their point of view and hold clout when decisions are being made。在工作场所中,他们的行为并非出于恐惧,而是出于快乐和慷慨。所以,人们经常向那些人缘好的人咨询意见,他们的意见在做决定时举足轻重。

  Shawn Achor in The Happiness Advantage explains it best: "Success orbits around happiness, not the other way around."肖恩·埃科尔在《快乐竞争力》一书里说得最贴切:“成功绕着快乐转,而不是快乐绕着成功转。”


文章关键词: 双语人缘亲和力

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