创意手指肖像 当名人的脸画在手指上(双语)

2015年08月13日09:58  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
创意手指肖像 当名人的脸画在手指上 创意手指肖像 当名人的脸画在手指上
创意手指肖像 当名人的脸画在手指上 创意手指肖像 当名人的脸画在手指上
创意手指肖像 当名人的脸画在手指上 创意手指肖像 当名人的脸画在手指上

  Finger puppets can provide hours of amusement。手指布偶能给我们带来数小时的欢乐时光。

  But this talented artist has put his digits to even more impressive use by turning them into lifelike recreations of famous faces.The inventive Italian, from Bologna, has produced versions of everyone from Jesus to Colonel Gaddafi and Hitler。而这位天赋异禀的艺术家把手指变成了活灵活现的名人脸,令人印象至深。这位别出心裁的意大利人来自博洛尼亚,创作了形形色色的手指肖像:从耶稣到卡扎菲和希特勒都有。

  He works under the pseudonym Dito Von Tease, in reference to the burlesque dancer Dita and because 'il dito' means 'the finger'。他假借迪托·范·提斯这个名字,意指滑稽剧舞蹈家蒂塔,因为“il ditto”的意思是“手指”。

  Von Tease said: 'In Italian someone could say I wanted to "hide myself behind my finger [trans: nascondermi dietro un dito]" - it's a metaphor to indicate a not-very-effective hiding place. I used this metaphor to say we all try to hide ourselves behind an image of us we create. That's my finger, the changing masks everybody wears in playing life... especially famous people。范·提斯说:“在意大利语中,人们会说‘我想把自己藏在手指后面(意大利语:nascondermi dietro un dito)’,这是一种比喻,指的是不怎么管用的藏身之处。我用这个比喻意在表达,我们都试图尽力把自己隐藏在我们自身塑造的形象后面。也就是我的手指,是每个人……尤其是名人在生活中所戴的不断变换的面具”。

  The characters are chosen from daily news and important happenings, historical events, arts, music, television and politics。这些人物形象来源于日常新闻和要闻、历史事件,以及艺术、音乐、影视和政治。

  Von Tease has even put his finger on the perfect look for fictional characters Spock from Star Trek, Disney's Mickey Mouse and animated monster Shrek。范·提斯甚至还着手尝试给虚拟角色画上完美神情,有《星际迷航》的斯波克、迪斯尼的米老鼠和活力四射的怪物史莱克。


文章关键词: 双语手指肖像

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