On Wednesday morning (Sept. 2), Turkish police found the body of a 3-year-old Syrian refugee – Aylan Kurdi – who had drowned together with his 5-year-old brother Ghalib and mother Rehan in the Mediterranean sea while trying to escape Syria. Images of his lifeless body went viral, driving home the danger and desperation of the refugee crisis in Syria and inspiring a powerful emotional response from artists around the world。周三早晨(9月2日),土耳其警方发现了年仅3岁的叙利亚难民艾兰·库尔迪的尸体。这个小男孩和自己5岁的哥哥加里卜还有母亲里恩逃离叙利亚之时淹死于地中海。幼小尸体的图片如同病毒般蔓延开来,它让人深刻理解了叙利亚难民危机的危险和绝望境地,并且激起了全世界艺术家强烈的情感反响。
These touching responses range from grief to rage, and regardless of where you stand on the Syrian refugee crisis and Europe's response, one thing is certain – children like Aylan and Ghalib should not be dying like this。这些触动人心的作品从悲恸到愤怒都有,不管你对于叙利亚难民危机怎么看,还是整个欧洲对此的反应,有一件事是确信无疑的——像艾兰和加里卜这样的孩子绝不应该像这样死去。
#1 Do You See It Now?#1 你们现在看见了吗?
#2 How His Story Should Have Ended...#2 他的故事本该这样结束……
#3 Hell Is The Reality We Living In#3这TM就是我们生活的现实
#5 Just Sleeping#5他们只是睡着了
#6 Sleep My Child#6 睡吧,我的孩子
#7 Humanity Washed Ashore #7 人性冲刷了海岸
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