Master craftsman Hal Taylor loves to read to his children, but when his third child, Rose, was born, he ran into a problem – his three children wouldn’t fit in his lap when he went to read to them on his rocking chair! As luck would have it, Taylor just so happens to be one of the best rocking-chair craftsmen in the world, so he created a beautiful chair that could fit all of his kids!大师级工匠哈尔·泰勒喜欢给他的孩子们读书,但是在他的第三个孩子萝丝出生后,他却有了一个问题——他坐在摇椅上读书的时候,三个孩子不能全都坐在他的大腿上了!幸运的是,泰勒碰巧是世界上最好的摇椅工匠之一,所以他就制作了一张他的三个孩子都能同时坐上去的摇椅。
Taylor calls his masterpiece the Storytime Rocking Chair, and the hand-crafted rocker goes for between $7,000 and $7,500. On his website, he explains the exquisite craftsmanship that makes this heirloom chair cost so much!泰勒把他的杰作叫作“故事时间摇椅”,这张手工制作的摇椅要价在7000到7500美元之间。在他的网站上,他解释说,做出这样一件传家宝摇椅所需的精湛手艺就是要值这么多钱!
“I did not have a lap large enough for three children [so] I had to come up with something。”“我的大腿不够大,坐不下三个孩子,所以我不得不想个办法。”
Hal Taylor created it when his third daughter, Rose, was born。哈尔·泰勒的第三个孩子萝丝出生时,他制作了这张摇椅。
“When Rose was born, she proved herself to be the ‘communicator’ in the family… she was NOT going to be left out of the reading crowd!”“萝丝出生后在家里表现得非常热爱交流……开故事会的时候她可不愿意被落在一边!”
“Now, all three children could have a comfortable seat when reading”“现在,三个孩子都可以舒服地坐在椅子上听故事了”
“There are over 200 precisely cut and shaped pieces of wood which I use to make up the 19 back braces。”“我精确地切割了超过200块木板,做出了19根椅背支撑木条。”
“That is more pieces than you will find in 20 normal rocking chairs!”“这比20张普通摇椅上的木板都要多!”
“I have heard it said that children change your life more than you change theirs’ I believe that to be true。”“我曾听人说过‘你会改变孩子的生活,而孩子给你生活带来的改变会更多’,我相信是真的。”
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