
2015年09月17日14:28  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  There are two kinds of people in this world: those who religiously make their bed every day in cleanliness and order… and the rest of us. If you’re in the latter group, then I’ve got some good news: keeping your bed messy might be good for your health。世界上有两种人:一种是每天确保床铺整洁有序的人;另一种就是……床上一团糟的人。如果你属于后者,那我有好消息告诉你:床铺乱糟糟的也许有助于身体健康哦!

  The research was conducted by a team from the Kingston University in England; they used a computer model to predict how the dust mites fare in a range of different conditions – including on a made and non-made bed. They found that the mites flourish on neatly mate beds, but shrivel and dry otherwise。一支来自英国金斯顿大学的团队做了这样一项调查:他们用电脑模型预测了尘螨在不同环境下的生长情况——包括整洁的床铺和杂乱的床铺。他们发现,螨虫会在整洁的伴侣床上疯狂滋生,而在没有整理的床铺上干瘪死亡。

  “We know that mites can only survive by taking in water from the atmosphere using small glands

  on the outside of their body,” lead researcher Stephen Pretlove told the BBC when the research was released. “Something as simple as leaving a bed unmade during the day can remove moisture from the sheets and mattress so the mites will dehydrate and eventually die。”“我们知道,螨虫只有靠体外的小腺体从外界环境中汲取水分才能生存。”研究公开后,首席研究员史蒂芬在接受BBC采访时说道。“白天起床不整理床铺这类简单的事情,能让床单和床垫除湿,从而螨虫会脱水而死。”

  I’m hoping that soon they will prove that not making your bed is indeed detrimental to mites… or, you know, any reason to not make your bed。我希望,没多久专家们就能证明不叠被子的确能杀死螨虫.。.或者不论什么原因,不再需要叠被子就可以,你懂的


文章关键词: 双语懒人

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