
2015年10月09日10:15  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Is everybody in the picture? Over-ambitious selfie taker amongst a sea of people in Tiananmen Square as China kicks off Golden Week holiday to celebrate its National Day。所有人都在照片里了吗?中国国庆黄金周第一天,出现了一张最强自拍照:天安门前人山人海尽收眼底。

  As China begins its 66th National Day celebrations today, it's set to break a new travel record。随着中国开启66周年国庆长假,新的出行记录也诞生了。

  Chinese media reports that an estimated 13 million people will be embarking on train travels around the country on October 1, the highest ever recorded, as residents embark on their seven-day break.中国媒体报道,10月1日预计有1300万铁路游客出行,创造了国庆7天小长假的历史记录。

  Most of the crowding happens in the first and last two days of the holiday, during which people are generally told to only travel when necessary。大部分拥堵发生在国庆小长假的第一天和最后两天,建议大家在此期间只在必要的时候出行。

  With a chaotic number of visitors expected, many tourist sites have already announced that they will be limiting tickets, reported People's Daily Online。据人民网报道,由于预料到有大量游客涌入,很多旅游景点都已宣布将限制售票。

  Once all the travellers get to tourist sites, the scene is no better. Popular destinations will often see a surge of visitors that stay in hotels at inflated prices and having to queue for attractions for hours。即使游客(费劲千辛万苦)达到旅游景点,景点情况也不甚乐观。在许多旅游胜地,大批游客们住着涨价酒店、排几个小时的队才能看到景点。

  For this reason, many visitors choose to go abroad during Golden Week。因此,许多游客在黄金周选择国外出游。


文章关键词: 双语自拍天安门国庆

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