From intimate portraits to dramatic landscapes, these are some of the most startling images of the natural world。
The collection features the African lion captured in a “stare of death” with its prey, a Japanese macaque monkey cradling its sleeping child‘s head in her hand and baby penguins huddling together to stay warm as they are blasted by a storm in Antarctica。
This is a poignant photograph of a sleeping baby Japanese macaque, its mother’s hand covering its head protectively。

The kingfisher frequented this natural pond every day。 The photographer used several units of flash for the kingfisher and a continuous light to capture the wake as the bird dived down towards the water。


It was breeding season and all the male turkeys were putting on a show for the females, but a number of birds seemed a little confused。 This one was more concerned with the potential suitor in front of it, not realising it was its own reflection。
The photographer had no control over the patterns made by the landing geese, all he could do was compose the image around the cranes and keep pushing the shutter button as the geese dropped down。
By the evening a storm picked up。 Initially just strong winds, by the early morning snow had arrived。 The emperor penguin chicks huddled together to shield themselves from the force of the snowstorm。
Although this shot was taken from a safe hide, it was chilling to see the frightening, killing eyes of this four-metre-long Nile crocodile。
The photographer anticipated the moment when these two rhinos would walk past each other, creating this silhouette effect and the illusion of a two-headed rhino。
Shortly after purchasing the Giraffe Manor in Nairobi, Kenya, the owners began a breeding programme to reintroduce the Rothschild’s giraffe into the wild。
This female polar bear was resting with its two young cubs in Wapusk National Park, Manitoba, Canada, when it suddenly got up and rushed downhill through the deep snow。 One of the cubs jumped on to her, holding onto her furry backside with a firm bite – totally unexpected and humorous behaviour。