Get ready for Apple to launch the ‘largest iPhone ever。’
The tech giant is planning to release a trio of new iPhones this year and the lineup is expected to include a giant model, an upgraded handset that‘s the same size as the current iPhone X, as well as a cheaper version, Bloomberg reported, citing sources close to the situation。
据彭博报道,苹果计划在今年推出三款手机;超大屏版、iPhone X听筒升级版和平价版。
New phones are expected to hit shelves this fall。
Apple is running production tests with suppliers, but Bloomberg noted that the company‘s plans for the devices could still change。
Apple is trying to appeal to users who prefer ‘phablets’ -- large smartphones that are capable of handling some tasks completed on a tablet。

The ‘biggest iPhone ever’ would have a screen that measures 6.5 inches and is believed to be codenamed ‘D33’ inside the company。
The body of ‘D33’ would still be the same size as the iPhone 8 Plus, but thanks to its edge-to-edge screen, will be the largest iPhone yet。
D33机身大小和iPhone 8 Plus一样,但是逐边屏幕将使之成为iPhone中的最大屏。
By comparison, the iPhone X‘s screen is 5.8 inches。
而iPhone X屏幕尺寸仅为5.8英寸。
Like the iPhone 8 Plus, the giant iPhone would probably have a split-screen mode that lets users run apps side by side。
The firm is also trying to capture a greater share of consumers who may not be able to afford the iPhone X‘s $999 (£999) price tag, but still want many of its premium features。
iPhone X售价999美元,不少消费者深感负担,苹果致力于抓住这一消费市场,但是仍然坚持保留iPhone的尖端功能。
Internally, the device has been referred to as ‘D32,’ Bloomberg said。
The company is also planning its upcoming mobile operating system, which will likely be called iOS 12, but is being referred to internally as ‘Peace。’
此外,苹果也在计划升级手机操作系统至iOS 12,代号“Peace(和平)”。
‘Peace’ is expected to feature updated AR technology, deeper integration of Apple‘s Siri voice assistant, more health monitoring and the ability to use Animojis in FaceTime, Bloomberg noted。