
2014年11月16日13:54  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Multitasking may be a necessity in today's fast-paced world, butnew research shows distractions affect the way people learn, makingthe knowledge they gain harder to use lateron。在如今快节奏的社会中,同时做几件事也许是必须的,但新研究表明分心会影响人们的学习方式,使他们日后较难运用到所学的知识。

  "What's new is that even if you can learn while distracted, itchanges how you learn to make it less efficient and useful," saidRussell A. Poldrack, a psychology professor at the University ofCalifornia, LosAngeles。洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学的心理学教授罗素•A•波德瑞克说:“新的发现是即使你在受到干扰的情况下仍然可以学习,你的学习方式也会因此而改变,你的学习效率会变低,效果会变差。”

  As Poldrack explains it, the brain learns in two differentways. One, called declarative learning, deals with learning activefacts that can be recalled and used with great flexibility. Thesecond is called habitlearning。正如波德瑞克所解释的那样,大脑有两种不同的学习方式,一种叫做叙述式学习,用来学习积极内容,即人们可以回忆起来并能很灵活地加以运用的东西。第二种叫习惯性学习。

  For instance, in learning a phone number you can simplymemorize it, using declarative learning, and can then recall itwheneverneeded。比方说你记一个电话号码,你可以直接通过叙述式学习方式把它记住,无论何时需要都能回忆起来。第二种就是习惯性地记住它。

  "A second way to learn it is by habit, "punch it in 1,000times, then even if you don't remember it consciously, you can goto the phone and punch it in," Poldracksaid。“拨个1000次,不管你是否有意识地去记它,你走到电话前就能拨出那个号码,”波德瑞克解释说。

  Memorizing is a lot more useful, he pointed out. "If you usethe habit system, you have to be at a phone to recreate themovements."他指出(叙述式学习方式的)记忆要有用得多,“如果你使用习惯性学习方法,你就得到电话机旁去重现场景。”

  The problem, Poldrack said, is that the two types of learningseem to be competing with each other, and when someone isdistracted, habit learning seems to take over from declarativelearning。波德瑞克说问题就在于这两种学习方法似乎会彼此抗衡,当一个人分心时,习惯式学习方式似乎会取代叙述式学习方式。


文章关键词: 少儿英语

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