Surprising Secrets to school success
Eight ideas about academic learning you may not know。
by Greatschools staff
1. Praise the work, not the wit 给予孩子有实际意义的赞扬
Not all positive reinforcement is, well, positive. Numerousstudies have shown that children who are praised for their workethic are better at solving critical thinking problems than thosepraised for ability. Those praised for effort were almost threetimes as likely to focus on learning rather than “lookingsmart。”
2. Minimize your unexcused absences积极地参与到孩子的学习活动中
Research has shown that you should make the extra effort to bephysically present in your child’s classroom. In fact, attendingclass meetings and volunteering at school better predicts literacydevelopment than your family’s income。
3. Use the TV to channel critical thinking利用看电视培养孩子独立思考能力
Let’s face it — prying our kids away from the TV is no smallfeat. New research shows that we might be better off using thishabit to facilitate learning. Try muting the commercials and askingyour child simple questions while she watches TV. What justhappened? What do you think about that? These questions teachchildren to be effective critical thinkers and communicators。
4. Fear not the $5 word不要害怕和孩子用复杂的表达方式
Many parents assume they should use simple words with kids toavoid confusion. But new research suggests we may be wildlyunderestimating their brainpower. Children whose parents usedcomplex language were found to have significantly higher IQ’s (aformidable 40 points) than children whose parents did not —suggesting that young brains become wired early for complexthought。
5. Soothe the soul with nature经常用自然平抚孩子的心灵
According to research, communing with nature isn’t just a nicerecreational activity. Natural settings increase a sense ofself-worth and decrease stress — two important factors in primingthe mind to learn. One study has even shown that natural settingscan help relieve symptoms of AD/HD. When children with AD/HDparticipated in the same activities both inside and outside, thosein the outdoor settings experienced fewer symptoms。
6. Behind every smart child is a collection of goodbooks 读万卷书行万里路
While reading to children is crucial, don’t underestimate theimportance of simply giving your kid access to a lot of books.Studies have found that a child raised in a book-friendlyenvironment — with at least 50 children’s books in the home —scores five percentile points higher in math and reading than kidswith less access to good reads。
7. Attend to the body and wake up the mind参加体育活动、活跃孩子的思维
The body-brain connection is far from fully understood, butresearch suggests that children’s learning abilities areinextricably tied to physical vitality. When 33 schools in Ontario,Canada, participated in a program called Living School aimed atincreasing student’s physical activity by about 20 minutes a dayand improving nutrition, some schools bellyached about lost classtime. But in the end, participating school showed enormousimprovement. Overall scores climbed 18% in just two years.Third-grade reading scores alone shot up by 50%. Ontario’seducation experiment suggests that sometimes basketball practicefacilitates learning as much if not more than another after-schooltutoring session。
8. Child labor with a higher purpose鼓励孩子参与家务劳动
According to new research, children of all ages who performhousehold chores gain valuable skills, which they can apply toschool learning. In one study, children as young as two years oldwho performed household chores like matching socks or wiping upkitchen spills ended up having more-successful educationalexperiences and careers。
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