Model Test 9
The advantages and disadvantages of a large population have long been a subject of discussion among economists. It has been argued that the supply of good land is limited. To feed a large population interior land must be cultivated and the good land
worked 1 . Thus, each person produces less and t his means
a 2 average income than 3 obtained with a smaller population. Other
economists 4 that a large population gives more scope for specialization and development of facilities such as ports, roads and railways, which are
not 5 to be built 6 there is a big demand to justify them.
One of the difficulties in carrying out a world-wide birth control
program 7 the fact official attitudes to population growth vary from country to
country 8 on the level of industrial development and
the 9 of food and raw materials. In the developing countryswheres
a 10 expanded population is pressing hard upon the limits of food, space and natural resources, it will be
the 11 of government to 12 a limit on the birthrate, whatever the
consequences 13 . In a highly industrialized society the problem may be more complex.
A(n) 14 birthrate may lead to unemployment because it
15 a declining market for manufactured goods. When the pressure of population
on 16 declines, prices also declines and the building industry is
weakened. 17 considerations such as these, the government of a developed
country 18 prefers to see a slowly increasing
population, 19 one which is stable or 20 .
3.〔A〕what was〔B〕what could be〔C〕could b e〔D〕that was
4.〔A〕have argued〔B〕have been argued〔C〕are arguing〔D〕argued
6.〔A〕lest〔B〕if〔C〕unless〔D〕so that
7.〔A〕should be〔B〕would be〔C〕may be〔D〕lies in
8.〔A〕which depends〔B〕depends〔C〕depended〔D〕depending
11.〔A〕first question〔B〕first concern〔C〕greatest problem〔D〕initial problem
13.〔A〕are〔B〕should be〔C〕will be〔D〕are to be
15.〔A〕results in〔B〕results from〔C〕cuts up〔D〕cuts down
17.〔A〕Faced with〔B〕Facing with〔C〕Faced〔D〕Facing
18.〔A〕as well〔B〕just as well〔C〕may well〔D〕may as well
19.〔A〕other than〔B〕rather than〔C〕better off〔D〕worse off
20.〔A〕declining〔B〕in decline〔C〕developing〔D〕declined
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