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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 2004朱泰祺考研英语复习指导 > 正文


http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/29 16:20  北航出版社

  Exercise 1

  Every human being has a unique arrangement of the skin on his fingers and this arrangement is unchangeable. Scientists and experts have proved the 1 of fingerprints and discovered that no 2 similar pattern is 3 from parents to children, 4 nobody knows why this is the 5.

  The ridge(脊) 6 on a person's fingers does not change 7growth and is not affected by 8 injuries. Burns, cuts and other damage to the 9 part of the skin will be replaced 10 by a new one which bears reproduction of the 11 pattern. It is only when the inner skin is injured that the arrangement will be 12. Some criminals make use of this to 13 their own fingerprints 14 this is a dangerous and rare step to 15.

  Fingerprints(指纹) can be made very easily with printer's ink. They can be recorded easily. With special methods, 16can be achieved successfully within a short time. 17the simplicity and economy of this system, fingerprints have often been used as a method of solving criminal cases. A 18man may deny a charge but this may be 19. His fingerprints can prove who he is even his 20 has been changed by age or accident.

  1. A. uselessness B. quantity C. magnitude D. uniqueness

  2. A. naturally B. exactly C. especially D. particularly

  3. A. passed on B. passed away C. passed out D. passed off

  4. A. if B. when C. though D. as

  5. A. reason B. cause C. ground D. case

  6. A. construction B. structure C. location D. position

  7. A. with B. because of C. until D. under

  8. A. grave B. severe C. substantial D. superficial

  9. A. outside B. outward C. inner D. outer

  10. A. in time B. on time C. at times D. behind time

  11. A. original B. different C. definite D. customary

  12. A. restored B. hurt C. destroyed D. restricted

  13. A. diminish B. dispose C. undermine D. remove

  14. A. and B. but C. when D. if

  15. A. make B. take C. do D. adapt

  16. A. realization B. detection C. identification D. investigation

  17. A. In spite of B. Irrespective of C. Because of D. In case of

  18. A. suspected B. doubted C. distrusted D. doubtful

  19. A. out of use B. in vain C. at random D. in question

  20. A. look  B. expression C. appearance D. sight

  Exercise 2

  When television first began to expand, very few of the people who had become famous as radio commentators were able to be equally effective on television. Some of the 1they experienced when they were trying to2themselves to the new medium were technical. When working 3radio, for example, they had become 4to seeing on 5 of the listener. This 6of seeing for others means that the 7 has to be very good at talking. 8 all, he has to be able to9 a continuous sequence of visual images which 10meaning to the sounds which the listener hears. In the 11 of television, however, the commentator sees 12 with the viewer. His role, therefore, is 13different. He is there to make 14that the viewer does not 15 some points of interest, to help him 16on particular things, and to 17the images on the television screen. 18his radio colleague, he must know the 19of silence and how to use it at those moments 20the pictures speak for themselves.

  1. A. difficulties B. successes C. sufferings D. incidents

  2. A. turn B. adapt C. alter D. modify

  3. A. on B. at C. with D. behind

  4. A. experienced B. determined C. established D. accustomed

  5. A. account B. side C. point D. behalf

  6. A. efficiency B. technology C. art D. performance

  7. A. commentator B. TV viewer C. speaker D. author

  8. A. Of B. For C. Above D. In

  9. A. inspire B. create C. cause D. perceive

  10. A. add B. apply C. affect D. reflect

  11. A. occasion B. event C. fact D. case

  12. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything

  13. A. equally B. completely C. initially D. hardly

  14. A. definite B. possible C. sure D. clear

  15. A. lose B. deprive C. relieve D. miss

  16. A. focus B. attend C. follow D. insist

  17. A. exhibit B. demonstrate C. expose D. interpret

  18. A. Like B. Unlike C. As D. For

  19. A. purpose B. goal C. value D. intention

  20. A. if B. when C. which D. as

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