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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/15 15:16  双博士丛书

  SectionⅠListening Comprehension


  This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questi
ons that accompany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C.

  Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you willhave 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1.

  If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.

  Now look at Part A in your test booklet.

  Part A


  You will hear a conversation about TV shows. Listen to it and fill out the tablewith the information youve heard for questions 1-5. Some of the information has been given to you in the table. Write only 1 word in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below.(5 points)

  These are actually old shows, but NBC has of them.


  Frie Channels like Nick-at-Nite show sit-coms almost every night except Sundays.


  Channel 45 is Super-Station. That channel has a lot good .


  What's bothering me is the .


  A two-hour movie can run three and half hours because of the commercials. That's really .


  Part B


  You will hear a talk about obesity (fatness) and heart diseases. For questions 6-10, complete the sentences and answer the questions while you listen. Do not use more than three words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and questions below. (5 points)

  The reports that the number of overweight people is increasing.


  Obese people are fatter than those who are .


  Health experts fear this increase in obesity will lead to an increase in the number of people with heart .


  is another common problem caused by obesity.


  People in cities eat fewer fruits and vegetables and more fatty foods and foods with no .


  Part C


  You will hear three pieces of recorded material. Before listening to each one, you will have time to read the questions related to it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have time to check your answers. You will hear each piece once only.

  Questions 11-13 are based on the following talk about the great musician Beethoven. You now have 15 seconds to read questions 11-13.

  11. Beethoven was firmly established as the greatest composer of his time.

  Awith his powerful middle-period works.

  Bwhen his first three piano concertos, his first two symphonies and a set of six string quartets were finished.

  Caround 1802.

  Daround 1795.

  12. The years after 1812 were relatively unproductive because .

  Ahe felt good in his romantic relationships

  Bhe realized that his hearing was compromised

  Che felt inadequate to create more musical pieces

  DHe was seriously depressed

  13. For Beethoven, the act of composition had always been a ; in the late works the sense of agonizing effort is a part of the music.





  You now have 30 seconds to check your answers to Questions 11-13.

  Questions 14-16 are based on the following talk about how separate public schools for boys and girls in the United States. You now have 15 seconds to read questions 14-16.

  14. The Bush administration's attitude towards the single-sex school is .





  15. For thirty years, the government has generally disapproved of these single-sex public schools. It has done so because of .

  A1972 law called Title Nine

  Bthe government bans unequal treatment based on sex

  CEducation Department officials say they will reconsider the law

  Dchildren can learn better in single-sex schools

  16. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?

  Agirls who attend school with boys may not do as well as the boys.

  Bsome teachers and schools do not treat girls equally

  Csingle-sex education generally does not appear to help girls.

  Dresearch about the effects of same-sex schools has shown no resultsYou now have 30 seconds to check your answers to Questions 14-16.

  Questions 17-20 are based on the following talk about a new healthy drink developed by the Coca-Cola company for people in developing countries. You now have 15 seconds to read questions 17-20.

  17. The new drink Vitango .

  Atastes like orange drink

  Bcontains twenty vitamins and minerals

  Cdesigned to help prevent blood problems, blindness and other common sicknesses

  Dfor people in developing countries

  18. The United Nations Children's Fund says the most common vitamins lacking in the diets of people in developing countries does not include .


  Bvitamin A



  19. Many in developing countries do not receive enough zinc in their diets.




  Dpregnant women

  20. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?

  AVitango is fully developed

  Bit will be on the market by the end of 2002.

  CThe Coca-Cola Company will offer it first in at least one country in Africa and South America.

  Dthe company hopes to sell it throughout the world at as low a cost as possible.

  You now have 40 seconds to check your answers to Questions 17-20.

  You now have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1.

  That is the end of Listening Comprehension.

  SectionⅡUse of English


  For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEETⅠby blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (10 points)

  During recent years we have heard much about“race”: how this race does certain things and that race believes certain things and so on. Yet, the21phenomenon of race consists of a few surface indications.

  We judge race usually22the coloring of the skin: a white race, a brown race, a yellow race and a black race. But23you were to remove the skin you could not24anything about the race to which the individual belonged. There is25in physical structure. The brain or the internal organs to26a difference.

  There are four types of blood.27types are found in every race, and no type is distinct to any race. Human brains are the28. No scientists could examine a brain and tell you the race to which the individual belonged. Brains will29in size, but this occurs within every race.30does size have anything todo with intelligence. The largest brain31examined belonged to a person of weak32. On the other hand, some of our most distinguished people have had33brains.

  Mental tests which are reasonably34show no differences inintelligence between races. High and low test results both can be recorded by different members of any race.35equaleducationaladvantages, there will be no difference in average standings, either on account of race or geographical location. Individuals of every race36civilization to go backward or forward. Training and education can change the response of asgroupsof people,37enable them a behave in a38way.

  The behavior and ideals of people change according to circumstances, but they can always go back or go on to something new39is better and higher than anything40the past.

  21. A. complete B. full C. total D. whole

  22. A. in B. from C. at D. on

  23. A. since B. if C. as D. while

  24. A. speak B. talk C. tell D. mention

  25. A. something B. everythingC. nothing D. anything

  26. A. display B. indicate C. demonstrate D. appear

  27. A. All B. Most C. No D. Some

  28. A. same B. identical C. similar D. alike

  29. A. remain B. increase C. decrease D. vary

  30. A. Only B. Or C. Nor D. So

  31. A. ever B. then C. never

  D. once

  32. A. health B. body C. mind D. thought

  33. A. big B. small C. minor D. major

  34. A. true B. exact C. certain D. accurate

  35. A. Provided B. ConcerningC. Given

  D. Following

  36. A. make B. cause C. move D. turn

  37. A. and B. but C. though D. so

  38. A. ordinary B. peculiar C. usual

  D. common

  39. A. that B. what C. whichever D. whatever

  40. A. for B. to C. within D. in

  SectionⅢReading Comprehension

  Part A


  Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answers marked[A],[B],[C]and[D]. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the question. Then mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET I by blackening the corresponding letter in the bracket with a pencil. (40 points)

  Passage One

  In another sign that Hispanics will dominate California's future, a university study has found the ethnicsgroupsaccounted for nearly half of all births in the state by the end of the last decade. Hispanic mothers had 247,796 of the 521,265children born in California in 1998, or 47.5 percent, according to the University of California, Los Angeles study released in December 2001. Non-Hispanic Whites had 33.9 percent, followed by Asians and Pacific Islanders with 10.7 percent.

  Blacks represented 6.8 percent of births and American Indians a half-percent of all births. California's future economic health depends upon those Hispanics, who soon will be the majority of young adults and hence the working force, says David Hayes-Bautista, director of the Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture at UCLA.

  The study, based on state health department statistics, confirms the ethnic shift that made 2001 the year California officially lost its White majority. The U.S. Census showed that Hispanics made up nearly a third while non-Hispanic Whites slipped to less than half of the state's total population of 33.9 million. California's experience is part of a“sea change”in the United States,swheres23 states already have Hispanics as their largest ethnic minority. Dr. Harry Pachon says,“Hispanics are becoming more prominent in everything from movies to politics,and that is good for the state. If there was no penetration of social and political institutions, then you would have an isolated minority and that's a recipe

  for social unrest. On the other hand, by the third generation one of every two Hispanics have married outside of their ethnic group. There's a Latinization of America but there's also an Americanization of Latinos. By third generation, a lot of them are losing their Spanish, they prefer American NFL to soccer.”

  Overall, nearly 65 percent of all Hispanic mothers were immigrants, ranking themsecond to Asian and Pacific Islanders at more than 84 percent. The babies tend to grow up healthy as well. Studies have shown that at virtually all stages of life, Hispanics, at least in California, Arizona and Texas, tended to suffer fewer major health problems, such as heart attacks, cancer and strokes, than other ethnic groups, Hayes-Bautista noted. Only about 15 percent of Hispanic mothers were 19 years old or younger. By comparison nearly 17 percent of Blacks and 19 percent of American Indians were teen-agers. Non-Hispanic Whites had a figure of nearly 7 percent.

  41. Hispanic mothers had of the babies born in California in 1998.


  42. David Hayes-Bautista believes that .

  AHispanics will become the backbone of future Californian economy

  Bthe white culture will dominate California's future

  Cthe state government should keep control on the population growth

  Dthe population distribution should be somehow re-arranged

  43. By 2001, Carlifornia has .

  Amore Hispanics than any other ethnic group

  Bwhite people as minority

  CNonHispanic white is still the largestsgroupsby number

  DAsian population of 1/3

  44. Dr. Harry Pachon is most likely to agree with which of the following statements?

  AIt's good that Hispanics are more involved in politics.

  BSocial unrests are more likely to occur when one ethnicsgroupsbecomes overpowering.

  CHispanics are more likely to marry within their own ethnic group.

  DLatinization of America is taking place faster than the Americanization ofLatinos.

  45. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

  AThe percentage of immigrant Hispanic mothers is the highest among all ethnic groups.

  BHispanic babies all over the United States are typically healthier than other babies.

  CNon-Hispanic White mothers are the least likely to be teenagers.

  DNearly 19 percent of Blacks were teenagers.

  Passage Two

  More Americans are cohabiting-living together out of wedlock-than ever. Some experts applaud the practice, but others warn playing house doesnt always lead tomarital bliss. At one time in America, living together out of wedlock was scandalous. Unmarried couples who“shacked up”were said to be“living in sin.”Indeed, cohabitation was illegal throughout the country until about 1970. (It remains illegal in 12 states, although the laws are rarely, if ever, enforced.) Today, statistics tell a different tale. The number of unwed couples living together hasrisen to a new high-more than 4.1 million as of March 1997, according to the Census Bureau. That figure was up from 3.96 million couples the previous year and represents a quantum leap from the 430,000 cohabiting couples counted in 1960.

  The bureau found that cohabiting is most popular in the 24-to-35 age group, accounting for 1.6 million such couples. Cohabitants say they live together primarily to solidify their love and commitment to each other, studies report. Most intend to marry; only 13 percent of cohabitants dont expect to make their relationship legal. But the reality for many couples is different: Moving in doesnt leadto“happily ever after.”Forty percent of cohabitants never make it to the altar. Of the 60 percent who do marry, more than half divorce within 10 years (compared with 30 percent of married couples who didnt live together first).

  Cohabiting partners are more unfaithful and fight more often than married couples, according to research by the Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society. Other studies have come to equally dour conclusions.

  Still, experts predict the number of cohabiting couples is likely to grow. As the children of the baby boomers come of age, theyre likely to defer marriage, asdid their parents. This will lead to more cohabitation and nontraditional families. Analyst Robert Knight of the Family Research Council agrees the trend will hold for the near future. Until people discover that living together has pitfalls, it wont wane in popularity, says Knight, author of Age of Consent: The Rise

  of Relativism and Corruption of Popular Culture. Cohabiting has been portrayed with“careful neutrality”in the media, and Hollywood celebrities who move in and out of each other's homes set the standard.

  But Warren Farrell, the San Diego-based author of Why Men Are the Way They Are, argues that living together is a good idea for a short period.“To make the jumpfrom dating, when we put our best foot forward, to being married”-without showing each other the“shadow side of ourselves”-is to treat marriage frivolously,he says.

  46. It is suggested in the passage that .

  Acohabitation is still illegal in all the states in the United Statesbut people do it anyway

  Bpeople believe it is sinful for unmarried couples to live together

  Cmost of married people have had some experience of cohabiting with someone

  Dunmarried couples almost never encounter legal troubles for living together

  47. Based on the numbers provided in the passage, it can be inferred that.

  Athe number of cohabiting couples has gone up tremendously since the 1960s

  Bcohabitation did not become legal in the United States until 1960

  Cmost of the couples living together eventually dont get married

  Ddivorce rate among the cohabitants is similar to that of the married couples who didnt live together first

  48. In the year 1996, the number of people involved in cohabitations was .

  A4.1 millionB3.96 millionC430,000D1.6 million

  49. Experts say the current trend of cohabitation will persist because .

  Ayoung people today oftentimes come from broken families

  Bpeople are often unaware of the danger of living together

  Cpeople tend to follow the examples of Hollywood celebrities who are often

  involved in cohabitation

  Dboth B and C

  50. What does the word“frivolously”(last paragraph, last line) most probably mean?





  Passage Three

  A report on a new software that enables eyes to do the typing appears in Wednesday's edition of the journal Nature. Replacing a keyboard or mouse, eye-scanningcameras mounted on computers have become necessary tools for people without limbs or those affected with paralysis. The camera tracks the movement of the eye, allowing users to“type”on a virtual keyboard as they look at the screen. And now, researchers from the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge University say they have developed software that replaces the standard QWERTY keyboard layout with onethat is nearly twice as efficient, more accurate and easier on the eyes. CalledDasher, the prototype program tapssintosthe natural gaze of the eye and makes predictable words and phrases simpler to write. Any off-the-shelf camera capable of scanning eye movement can be used with Dasher, though the person must sit fairly still during the interaction.

  The letters of the alphabet appear in a single column on the right of the screen, with an underscore symbol to represent a space. Each letter is framed by a colored box. As the user looks at a particular letter on the right side of the screen and drags it to the left with their eye, another sub-alphabet column begins to emerge inside the box on the right-hand side, along with more letters framed in colored boxes. Dasher is designed to anticipate which letter will be needed, so although the successive sub-alphabet columns are initially very small, the letters or combination of letters that simultaneously appear are most likely to be used next in that sequence. For example, if a person starts with the letter“h,”the language models in Dasher will bring up“a,”“e,”“i,”“o”and“u”in the sub-alphabet box, along with a few other possible combinations like“ello”to form the word“hello.”Each box has a complete alphabet within it, though the firstletters to appear have the highest probability of usage. The letters are then placed together to form a sentence on the left side of the screen.

  Researchers say people will be able to write up to 25 words per minute with Dasher compared to on-screen keyboards, which they say average about 15 words per minute. With a bit of practice, MacKay said, Dasher offers an easier and more satisfying way for disabled people to communicate, providing them with better tools to write e-mail or create word processor files. MacKay said Dasher could work inmost languages.

  51.“Paralysis”(paragraph 1, line 4) is probably .



  Cinability to move


  52. With the new software Dasher, people can type with their eyes through.Aa computer screen with eye-scanning sensors

  Ban eye-scanning camera on computer

  Ca colored box attached to the computer

  Da regular keyboard with sensors

  53. The new method of typing will most benefit those people who .Ahave reading difficulties

  Bare physically challenged

  Care visually incompetent

  Ddo not have a big vocabulary

  54. The software Dasher .

  Ais able to predict the next sequence of words the user is going to write

  Bdoes not allow the user to move a lot during the interaction

  Chas to be used with eye-scanning cameras specially designed for the software

  Dcan form coherent sentences based on the first word typed in by the user

  55. Which of the following is true about Dasher?

  AIt can be used to write 15 more words than onscreen keyboard.

  BIt is easier to use than ordinary keyboards.

  CIt can provide hints for possible letters to be written.

  DIt is an independent text processor.

  Passage Four

  Federal researchers are crediting sexual abstinence and increased contraception use as the main reasons for the recent declines in teen pregnancy, abortion and birthrates. The teen-pregnancy rate fell to a record low in 1997, reflecting a slide in pregnancy, abortion and birthrates that began earlier in the decade, sayresearchers with the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). The 1997 teen-pregnancy rate, the most recent figure available, was 94.3 pregnancies per 1,000 teens ages 15 to 19, or 872,000 pregnancies. This is 19 percent lower than the teen-pregnancy rate in 1991, when the rate peaked at 116.5 pregnancies per 1,000 teens. This also is the lowest rate since 1976, when consistent collection ofnational pregnancy rates began.

  Jennifer Manlove, a researcher with Child Trends Inc., thinks teen-pregnancy rates may continue to fall since abortion rates have been declining and teen birthrates fell in both 1998 and 1999. Pregnancy rates are based on the number of livebirths, induced abortions and fetal losses, such as miscarriage or stillbirth. In 1997, the teen-pregnancy rate included 52.3 live births, 27.5 abortions and 14.5 fetal losses per 1,000 teens.

  The total pregnancy rate in 1997 also was a record low, with 103.7 pregnancies per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44. The 6.2 million pregnancies included 3.88 million live births, 1.33 million abortions and 0.98 million fetal losses.

  The findings are greatly encouraging, especially since teen-pregnancy rates fellfor all racial and ethnic groups. Experts urge parents to talk to their teens about pregnancy issues. The White House is dedicated to doing its part as well, requesting million to strengthen the role of fathers in families, millionfor teen maternitysgroupshomes and equal funding for abstinence education and programs that teach about contraception use.

  On the other hand, 35 national organizations recently denounced abstinence-only education as“government censorship.”A program that exclusively teaches youngpeople to be sexually abstinent until marriage“silences speech about sexual orientation,”undermines church-state separation and is“ineffective, unnecessary and dangerous,”claim leaders of the National Coalition Against Censorship. Leaders of Project Reality, an abstinence program in Golf, Ill., counters that some of the coalition's members have“a vested interest”in ending federal funding for abstinence education because it competes with their safe-sex approach. John Diggs, a member of the Physicians Consortium, also criticizes the coalition, arguing that it is hypocritical to teach that condoms“make sex safe”when theydont protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

  56. It is suggested that in the year 1997, .

  Ateen-pregnancy rates peaked at 116.5 pregnancies per 1,000 teens

  Bpromotion of the use of contraception and sexual abstinence started

  Cteen-pregnancy rates fell to a historically lowest point

  Dthe teen-pregnancy rates were still consistently high

  57. Consistent collection of national pregnancy rates did not begin until.





  58. Jennifer Manlove would probably agree with which of the following statements?

  ATeen pregnancy rates usually do not follow a clearly identifiable pattern

  BTeen pregnancy rates may continue to go down based on the trend from previous years.

  CThe pregnancy rates of 1998 and 1999 are not necessarily accurate predictors of future trends.

  DTeenage girls should prioritize natural births instead of abortions.

  59. What can be inferred from the numbers provided in the passage?

  AMost girls choose abortion rather than live births.

  BTeen pregnancy rates fell only within the white-ethnic group.

  CTeen pregnancy rates have been declining through the 1990s.

  DThe total pregnancy rates for all American women was record low in 1997.

  60. Leaders of the National Coalition Against Censorship believe that .

  Athe government is not doing its part in promoting sexual abstinence

  Bsexual abstinence education is doing more harm than good

  Cthe government should not teach the teenagers to practice safe sex

  Dthe government should invest more funding to reduce teen pregnancies

  Part BDirections:

  Read the following Text carefully and then translate the underlined sentencessintosChinese.(10 points)

  What has happened to the American family-the fraying effect of harassed workingparents, the stranglehold of the media, the pressures of peer culture-is a theme much ranted about. Yet one aspect of what has happened has been overlooked :kids like those we see in“Kids”-they come from all over the social spectrum-never seem to sit down to a proper meal at home anymore-61.This isnot another pious harangue(高谈阔论) on“spiritual starvation”;this is about the fact that we may be witnessing the first generation in history that has not been required to participate in that primal rite of socialization,the family meal.

  62. The family meal is not only the core curriculum in the school ofcivilized discourse; it is also a set of protocols(仪式) that curb(阻挠) our natural savagery and our animal greed and cultivate a capacity for sharing and thoughtfulness.

  Dinner rituals have nothing to do with class, or working women's busy lives, or

  any particular family structure. Ive had dinners of boiled potatoes with families in Siberia, suppers of delicious cold cuts with single welfare mothers in Chicago, bowls of watery gruel in the Sahara-63.all made memorable by the grace with which they were offered and by the sight of youngsters learning through experience the art of human companionship. The teenagers ondisplay in“Kids”are not only physically starved by the junk food they consume as they slouch in front of the TV or lope toward their next bacchanal. Far worse, they are deprived of the main course of civilized life-the practice of sitting down at the dinner table and observing the attendant conventions. Like the Passover seder or the Communion bread,the ritual of nutrition helps to imbue families, and societies at large, with greater empathy and fellowship.-64. However, all rituals involve,to some degree, a sacrifice, and the home meal requires genuine sacrifices of time and energy,large expenditures of those very traits it nurturespatience,compassion and selfdiscipline.Many of the teenagers in“Kids”-the more affluent ones-are the offspring of the“me generation,”members of what Christopher Lasch called“the culture of narcissism(自恋).”And those parents may be the most at fault. Might it be that they have stinted on the socializing of their children by focusing on their own rituals of selfimprovement-enjoying their workout highs at health clubs or their learning highs in evening classes.-65.How much more fun it is, how much less tiring,for us to enjoy a fine,quiet dinner by ourselves,or with our buddies(哥们),without the litany(许多) of questions and corrections that youngsterscompany entails. But the family meal should continue to be a ceremonial, sacred time. If we dont hold on to it,we risk rearing yet more kids who wake up asking“What happened?”

  SectionⅣWriting (20 Points)


  (1) The 2008 olympic Games will beheld in Beijing. Preparations for this great event are under way. Give your suggestions to Beijing.

  (2)Your essay should be in no less than 200 words and meet the requirement below:

  1)List the primary concerns in your opinion.

  2)Give your answers.


  SectionⅠListening Comprehension

  Part A

  1. re-runs

  2. older

  3. movies

  4. commercials

  5. annoying

  Part B

  6. World Heart Federation

  7. simply overweight

  8. diseases and stroke

  9. High blood pressure

  10. nutritional values

  Part C

  11-13 A D C

  14-16 A A D

  17-20 B D A A

  SectionⅡUse of English

  21. (D)从句的谓语部分“由一些表面迹象组成的”可以看出前后含有整体与部分的关系。选项(D) whole(整个)符合句意。complete意为“完整的”,full意为“全面的”,total意为“总体上”,强调数量。

  22. (B)“通过(依据)肤色判断种族”。当选介词from。

  23. (B)该句为虚拟语气结构,应该选择if,表示条件。选项(A)、(C)、(D)不合语法。

  24. (C)此处隐含“说出,讲出”的意思,选项(C)正确。其余三项意思不妥,可排除。

  25. (C)从下文的详细说明可以看出在physical structure, the brainor the internal organs上是说不出任何东西的,此处应选择否定词nothing,故(C)正确。

  26. (B)句意判断此处应为“指出,预示”,选项(B)正确。其余几项不合句意。

  27. (A)下文说no type is distinct to any race“没有哪一种血型是哪一个人种所特有的”,那么就说明四种血型在每一个人种中都存在。故选(A)。

  28. (A)空格前的定冠词the限定了对选项A的选择。

  29. (D)此处谈论大脑大


  30. (C)选择该项之前,应搞清楚大脑的大小与人的智力到底有无关系,从下文所举的两个例子判断,应该是没有关系,所以选择否定连词nor。

  31. (A)选项(B)、(C)、(D)不合题意。ever“曾经”,修饰examined,构成分词短语,作定语。故(A)正确。

  32. (C)此处说明大脑的大小与智力的关系,所以应该选择mind(智力,智能)和weak连用,意为“弱智”。其余几项不合题意。

  33. (B)作者再举例进一步说明


  34. (D)测试应用“精确”一词来形容,故选(D)。

  35. (C)选项(B)、(D)不合题意,可首先排除。选项(A)、(C)意义相同,用法不同。Provided后要跟that引导的从句,that可省略,而Given后可以跟名词或短语性短语、独立结构等,故选项(C)正确。

  36. (B)选项(C)、(D)不合题意,选项(A)搭配不对,选项(B)正确。

  37. (A)选项(B)、(C)、(D)不合逻辑,或不合句意,均应排除,故(A)正确。

  38. (B)由上文的change the response of asgroupsof people推断,此处应选择peculiar(特别的、特殊的)。

  39. (A)因定语前有something一词,可排除(B)、(C)、(D)三项,该句为that引导的定语从句结构。

  40. (D) in the past为习语,表示“在过去,以前”。

  SectionⅢReading Comprehension

  Part A

  Passage One


  解析:文章第一段提供的数字为,Hispanic mothers had 247,796 of the 521,265 children born in California in 1998, or 47.5 percent, according to the University of California, Los Angeles study released . 1998年一年,加利福尼亚州西班牙裔的母亲生育的儿童占全州新生儿的47.5%。

  42.答案是AHispanics will become the backbone of future Californian economy

  解析:文章第一段末尾说,California's future economic health depends upon those Hispanics, who soon will be the majority of young adultsand hence the working force, says David Hayes-Bautista, director of the Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture at UCLA.加州洛杉矶大学的拉丁裔健康和文化研究中心的主任David Hayes-Bautista认为,加利福尼亚未来的经济就要靠这些拉丁裔的青年。

  43.答案是CNonHispanic white is still the largestsgroupsby number


  44.答案是AIt's good that Hispanics are more involved in politics.

  解析:Dr. Harry Pachon认为,西班牙裔的人口在社会各个领域逐渐活跃起来,这对加州来说,是一件好事情。(“Hispanics are becoming more prominent in everything from movies to politics, and that is good for the state.)如果某个少数民族群体在社会和政治机构中缺乏代言人,那么很容易导致社会的动荡。(If there was no penetration of social and political institutions, then you would have an isolated minority and that's a recipe for social unrest.)

  45.答案是CNon-Hispanic White mothers are the least likely to be teenagers.

  解析:根据文章最后一段提供的数字(Only about 15 percent of Hispanic mothers were 19 years old or younger. By comparison nearly 17 percent of Blacks and 19 percent of American Indians were teen-agers. Non-Hispanic Whites had a figure of nearly 7 percent.)可以看出,非西班牙裔的白人产妇只有7%是十几岁的少女,该比例和西班牙裔,非洲裔相比是最低的。





  sea change巨大的变化(该用法来自莎士比亚)





  Passage Two

  46.答案是Dunmarried couples almost never encounter legal troubles forliving together

  解析:文章第一段介绍,虽然婚前同居在美国的12个州还是非法的,但是几乎从来没有人因为同居而被抓起来。(It remains illegal in 12 states, although the laws are rarely, if ever, enforced.)

  47.答案是Athe number of cohabiting couples has gone up tremendously since the 1960s


  48.答案是B3.96 million


  49.答案是Dboth B and C



  解析:文章的最后一段介绍的是以Warren Farrell为代表的唱反调的人。他们认为,living together is a good idea for a short period(婚前的短暂同居是必要而有益的)。他认为,恋爱的时候人们总尽量表现出自己的优点,如果对方还没看到自己的缺点毛病就匆匆结婚,则过于轻率(“To make the jump from dating, when we put our best foot forward, to being married”-without showing each other the“shadow side of ourselves”-is to treat marriage frivolously, he says.)。




  play house过家家


  shack up搬到一起过日子









  baby boomer在二战之后的婴儿潮出生的人

  come of age成年






  Passage Three

  51.答案是Cinability to move

  注释:文章介绍的这种最新的软件,可以让人们通过眼睛的活动,在电脑中输入文字。因此主要面对的用户是那些四肢活动有障碍的人。四个选项中最合适的是Cinability to move。

  52.答案是Ban eye-scanning camera on computer


  53.答案是Bare physically challenged

  注释:文章第一段介绍,Replacing a keyboard or mouse, eye-scanning cameras mounted on computers have become necessary tools for people without limbs or those affected with paralysis.该软件的受惠者主要是那些四肢不能动,或者瘫痪的病人。

  54.答案是Bdoes not allow the user to move a lot during the interaction

  注释:文章第一段末尾介绍,该软件可以和任何有扫描眼睛活动功能的照相机兼容,但是用户使用过程中必须尽量保持一动不动的姿势。Any off-the-shelf camera capable of scanning eye movement can be used with Dasher, though the person must sit fairly still during the interaction.


  注释:文章最后一段介绍,Researchers say people will be able to write up to 25 words per minute with Dasher compared to on-screen keyboards, which they say average about 15 words per minute.使用该软件,每分钟可以输入25个单词。








  tap into挖掘







  bring up (本文)使……出来

  Passage Four

  56.答案是Cteen-pregnancy rates fell to a historically lowest point

  解析:文章第一段介绍,The teen-pregnancy rate fell to a record low in 1997, reflecting a slide in pregnancy, abortion and birthrates that began earlier in the decade(少女怀孕率在1997年到达历史以来最低点,这表明怀孕,流产,和生育率从90年代初期就一直在下跌)。


  解析:根据第一段末尾介绍,This also is the lowest rate since 1976, when consistent collection of national pregnancy rates began.可见关于少女怀孕的数据的收集,是从1976年开始的。

  58.答案是BTeen pregnancy rates may continue to go down based on the trend from previous years.

  解析:作者介绍了Jennifer Manlove的观点。她认为,人工流产和少女生育率在1998和1999年持续下降,因此这个趋势可能会维持下去。

  59.答案是CTeen pregnancy rates have been declining through the 1990s.


  60.答案是Bsexual abstinence education is doing more harm than good

  解析:National Coalition Against Censorship的负责人认为,一味地让年轻人在婚前保持童贞之身没有意义。可见他们反对让青少年禁欲的宣传。












  sexual orientation性取向



  Part B

  61.This is not another pious harangue(高谈阔论)on“spiritual starvation”;1分

  this is about the fact that we may be witnessing the first generation in history1分

  that has not been required to participate in that primal rite of socialization, the family meal.1分


  该句子是由分号连接的并列复合句。分号前的句子是一个单句,pious的意思是“虔诚的”。分号后的句子本身是一个复合句。that引导的第一个从句是同位语从句,说明fact的内容;that引导的第二个从句是定语从句修饰the first generation; primal的意思是“主要的”,rite的意思是“仪式”,socialization的意思“社交”,the family meal是theprimal rite of socialization的同位语。

  62.The family meal is not only the core curriculum in the schoolof civilized discourse;1分

  it is also a set of protocols (仪式)that curb(阻抑)our natural savagery and our animal greed,1分

  and cultivate a capacity for sharing and thoughtfulness.1分


  该句是一个由分号连接的复合句,分号前面的句子是一个简单句,core curriculum的意思是“核心课程”,discourse的意思是“交谈,论文,演讲。”分号后的句子是一个复合句。that引导的定语从句修饰protocols,该定语从句中有两个并列的谓语curb和cultivate.

  63.all made memorable1分

  by the grace with which they were offered1分

  and by the sight of youngsters learning through experience the art of human companionship.1分


  all made memorable是一个分词结构,made的施动者有两个:the grace和the sight of ;with which从句是定语从句修饰the grace ,该从句中they指的是上文中提到的分别在Siberia, Chicage和Sahara所吃的饭菜。through experience放在learning后是为了避免放在companionship后面可能产生的修饰歧义问题,the art of human companionship是learning的宾语。

  64.However, all rituals involve,to some degree,a sacrifice,1分

  and the home meal requires genuine sacrifices of time and energy,1分

  large expenditures of those very traits it nurtures-patience,compassion and selfdiscipline.1分


  it指“the home meal”;patience,compassion和selfdiscipline是指those very traits的具体内容。

  65.How much more fun it is,how much less tiring,1分

  for us to enjoy a fine ,quiet dinner by ourselves, or with our buddies(哥们),1分

  without the litany(许多) of questions and corrections that youngsterscompany entails.1分


  这是一个感叹句。How much more fun与how much less tiring总体意思是一样的,即多么愉快,多么轻松啊!for us to enjoy...是这个感叹句的真正主语和动词的逻辑主语。without the litany of ...的意思是“没有那么多的……”,that引导的定语从句修饰questions和corrections,entail的意思是“使成为必要,需要。



  New Beijing, Great Olympics.

  The 2008 Olympic Game has been the most discussed and anticipated event throughout Beijing ever since Beijing bid for it years ago, yet the focus has shifted from making a promise to making good a promise after Beijing's successful bid. In my opinion, to bridge the gap between promise and reality, Beijing still has a longway to go.

  To begin with, infrastructure construction should be the primary concern. Such infrastructures as communications and transportation system and facilities oughtto require our constant attention. First, traffic jam has been an age-old headache in Beijing. The scene of long queues of vehicles worming their way inch by inch while discharging dark fumessintosthe air will surely cause great inconvenience to athletes and journalists, and blemish the city's image.

  Next, to add enchantment to convenience, and overall city-planning is indispensable. If time permits, a redesign of city layout and adjustment of architectual style would provide a better environment for fostering the characteristic, blending, oriental elegance with international grandear, will tower aloftamong surrounding architectures. To achieve such effect, Beijing shall solicitopinions from first-rate architects and make an overall plan.

  However, Rome was not built in a day. To make good the promise of“New Beijing,Great Olympics”, deeds speak louder than words.


  Part A

  You will hear a conversation about TV shows.

  W: I want to watch TV and improve my English. What is your favorite TV show?

  M: I like sit-coms. I watch“Friends”a lot. I never missed a single episode. Ofcourse there are other sit-coms like“Wings,”“Frasier,”“Family Ties.”Thoseare all very good.

  W: What time do them come on?

  M: Mostly in the evenings. These are actually old shows, but NBC has re-runs of them.“Frazier”is on every day from 6:00 to 6:30 on NBC every day weekdays.“Friends”is from 6:30 to 7:30 PM, also on NBC. Channels like Nick-at-Nite show older sit-coms almost every night except Sundays.

  W: What are the older sit-coms?

  M:“Cheers”is a good one.“All in the Family,”“Three's Company,”and“Family

  Ties”are all my favorites. But they are usually shown very late at night, beginning from 10:00 PM till 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning.

  W: Which ones are the movie channels?

  M: Channel 45 is Super-Station. That channel has a lot good movies. TNT is channel 17. You can also find many movies on TNT. What's bothering me is the commercials. A two-hour movie can run three and half-hours because of the commercials. That's really annoying.

  Part B

  You will hear a talk about obesity and heart diseases.

  More people around the world are becoming too fat. The World Heart Federation reports that the number of overweight people is increasing. About seven-hundred-million people around the world weigh too much. It says about three-hundred-million adults are obese. Obese people are fatter than those who are simply overweight.

  Health experts fear this increase in obesity will lead to an increase in the number of people with heart disease and stroke. The World Heart Federation estimates seventeen-million people around the world die each year from heart disease or stroke. Research shows these two conditions are among the most common health problems related to obesity. High blood pressure is another common problem caused by obesity.

  A new study says being even moderately overweight increases the chances of developing heart failure. The study says the risk of heart failure is 100% higher among obese people, compared with those of normal weight. The risk is 34% higher among overweight people.

  Experts say that obesity is not just a problem in rich countries. It has also become a problem in developing nations. People's lives become less healthy when they move from farming areas to cities. For example, as people earn more money, they stop walking or riding bicycles and instead buy a car. Also, people in citieseat fewer fruits and vegetables and more fatty foods and foods with no nutritional value. Obesity in children is also increasing. The World Health Organizationestimates that about twenty-two-million children under the age five are overweight.

  In the United States, eleven percent of children are obese. In Beijing, China, twenty percent of school children are obese. Sixteen percent of schoolboys in Saudi Arabia are considered obese.

  The best ways to prevent obesity is to increase physical exercise. Reducing television watching and eating more healthy foods can help too.

  Part C

  Questions 11-13 are based on the following talk about the great musician Beethoven.

  Beethoven was born in 1770. He studied first with his father. At 12 he had some music published. In 1792 he settled in Vienna. Around 1795 his first important publications appeared. As a pianist, it was reported, he had fire, brilliance andfantasy as well as depth of feeling. These years also saw the composition of his first three piano concertos, his first two symphonies and a set of six string quartets.

  1802, however, was a year of crisis for Beethoven, with his realization that theimpaired hearing he had noticed for some time was incurable and sure to worsen.But he came through with his determination strengthened and entered a new creative phase, generally called hismiddle period. It is characterized by a heroictone, evident in the Eroica Symphony, in Symphony No.5, and in his opera Fidelio. With his powerful middle-period works Beethoven was firmly established as thegreatest composer of his time.

  The years after 1812 were relatively unproductive. He was seriously depressed, by his deafness and the resulting isolation and by the failure of his romantic relationships. But he came out of these trials to write his profoundest music, which surely reflects something of what he had been through. For Beethoven, the actof composition had always been a struggle; in the late works the sense of agonizing effort is a part of the music.

  When, early in 1827, he died, 10,000 are said to have attended the funeral. He had become a public figure, as no composer had done before. He helped create music that became the property of mankind at large.

  Questions 14-16 are based on the following talk about how separate public schools for boys and girls in the United States.

  There are many private schools in the United States that accept only boys or only girls. But there are only eleven single-sex public schools. A twelfth will open next fall in Houston, Texas.

  The Bush administration recently announced support for separate public schools for boys and girls. The decision represents a major change in American educational policy. For thirty years, the government has generally disapproved of these single-sex public schools. It has done so because of a 1972 law called Title Nine.

  This law bans unequal treatment based on sex. Education Department officials say they will reconsider the law. Some educators believe children can learn betterin single-sex schools. Others say children need to be with children of the opposite sex. Scientists have shown that boys and girls learn information in different ways. However, research about the effects of same-sex schools has shown mixedresults. Most of the research has involved girls.

  During the 1990s, the American Association of University Women completed major studies on education. The organization said girls who attend school with boys maynot do as well as the boys. It said some teachers and schools do not treat girls equally. But it also said single-sex education generally does not appear to help girls. The oldest single-sex public school in the United States has gained great success. Western High School in Baltimore, Maryland was established in 1844. More thanone-thousand girls from several races, ethnic groups and religions attend Western. Almost all of the girls go on to college.

  Questions 17-20 are based on the following talk about a new healthy drink developed by the Coca-Cola company for people in developing countries.

  The Coca-Cola Company is developing a new healthy drink for people in developingcountries. The new drink is called Vitango. It tastes like orange drink. It contains twelve vitamins and minerals that are lacking in the diets of people in developing countries. It is designed to help prevent blood problems, blindness andother common sicknesses in developing countries, especially in Africa and SouthAmerica.

  The United Nations Children's Fund says the most common vitamins lacking in the

  diets of people in developing countries are iodine, vitamin A, iron and zinc. The U-N estimates that about forty-three million people around the world suffer from brain damage and physical problems because of a lack of iodine. More than onehundred million children suffer from a lack of Vitamin A. A severe lack of Vitamin A can lead to blindness.

  Health experts estimate that about two-thousand-million people around the world do not have enough iron in their blood. This lowers their resistance to sickness. It weakens a child's ability to learn and decreases energy. Many children in developing countries do not receive enough zinc in their diets. They are likely to have growth problems and infections. Lack of zinc also is widespread among women in developing countries and can cause problems during childbirth. Vitango is still being developed. However, officials believe it will be on the market by the end of 2002. The Coca-Cola Company will offer it first in at least one countryin Africa and South America. In time, the company hopes to sell it throughout the world at as low a cost as possible.

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