考研英语阅读理解1999年真题解析 | |||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/23 15:48 双博士丛书 | |||
1999年第3篇全真考研题 An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroom on the behalf of studentscareer prospects and those arguing for computers in the classroom for broader reasons of radical educational reform. Very few writers on the subject have explored this distinction-indeed, contradiction-which goes t It is not simply to raise everyone's job prospectsthat all children are legally required to attend schoolsintostheir teens. Rather, we have a certain conception of the American citizen, a character who is incomplete if he cannot competently assess how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself. But this was not always the case; before it was legally required for all children to attend school until a certain age, it was widely accepted that some were just not equipped by nature to pursue this kind of education. With optimism characteristic of all industrialized countries, wecame to accept that everyone is fit to be educated. Computer education advocates forsake this optimistic notion for a pessimism that betrays their otherwisecheery outlook. Banking on the confusion between educational and vocational reasons for bringing computerssintosschools, computereducation advocates often emphasize the job prospects of graduates over their educational achievement. There are some good arguments for a technical education given the right kind of student. Many European schools introduce the concept of professional training early on insgroupsto make sure children are properly equipped for the professions they want to join. It is, however, presumptuous to insist that there will only be so many jobs for so many scientists, so many businessmen, so many accountants. Besides, this is unlikely to produce the needed number of every kind of professional in a country as large as ours andswheresthe economy is spread over so many states and involves so many international corporations. But, for a smallsgroupsof students, professional training might be the way to gosince well developed skills, all other factors being equal, can be the difference betweenshavingsa job and not. Of course, the basics of using any computer these days are very simple. It does not take a lifelong acquaintance to pick up various software programs. If one wanted to become a computer engineer, that is, of course, an entirely different story. Basic computer skills take-at the very longest-a couple of months to learn. In any case, basic computer skills are only complementary to the host of real skills that are necessary to becoming any kind ofprofessional. It should be observed, of course, that no school, vocational or not, is helped by a confusion over its purpose. 59. The author thinks the present rush to put computers in the classroom is. A. farreaching B. dubiously oriented C. selfcontradictory D. radically reformatory 60. The belief that education is indispensable to all children . A. is indicative of a pessimism in disguise B. camesintosbeing along with the arrival of computers C. is deeply rooted in the minds of computereducation advocates D. originated from the optimistic attitude of industrialized countries 61. It could be inferred from the passage that in the author's country the European model of professional training is. A. dependent upon the starting age of candidates B. worth trying in various social sections C. of little practical value D. attractive to every kind of professional 62. According to the author, basic computer skills should be. A. included as an auxiliary course in school B. highlighted in acquisition of professional qualifications C. mastered through a life long course D. equally emphasized by any school, vocational or otherwise 59. B总结归纳题。第1段作者谈到,对于计算机教育,在看法上存在着一条无形的界线:有人提出计算机数学可以开阔将来的就业前景,有人则希望以此达到从根本上进行教育改革的目的。作者认为二者之间的矛盾正是推行计算机教学中出现问题的症结所在。可见,作者的观点是,当前计算机进课堂运动的方向是有问题的。故答案B“方向是有问题的”体现了作者的看法。rush(=campaign)运动。A“意义深远的”,C“自相矛盾的”,D“完全改革性的”均不合题意,故不能入选。 60. D细节理解题。参阅第2段第3句:由于所有工业化国家所持有的乐观态度,我们逐渐接受了这样一种观念:人人都适合接受教育。可见,D符合上述意思。A“表明一种伪装的悲观主义”,B“随着计算机的问世而出现”,C“是计算机鼓吹者头脑里根深蒂固的”,均与上述细节相悖,故不能入选。 61. C推理判断题。第3段中作者指出,许多欧洲国家的学校很早就引进了职业教育这一概念。然而,如果因此认为正好有那么多工作等着同等数量的科学家、商人及会计师去做,那就未免太武断了。何况,职业教育也不可能培训出像我们这样一个经济发展遍及许多地区,同时又有许多跨国公司的国家中每一种职业所需要的足够的专业人员。由此推理,欧洲的职业教育模式在作者所在国几乎没有实用价值。 62. A本文最后一段倒数第二句说:“无论如何,基础计算机技术不过是想要成为任何一类专门人才所需要的真正技能的补充。”这与A“(计算机技能应)包括在学校辅助课程之内”的意思相吻合,故应选A。 译文 关于计算机课堂教学,在认识上存在着一条无形的界限,那就是有人提倡以此来增加学生的就业前景,有人则希望以此达到从根本上改革教育的目的。很少有人撰写文章来描述这一区别,或者更确切地说是矛盾,但是这一问题正是主张用计算机课堂教学这一运动的症结之所在。 为了使学生获得一种工作的教育是职业教育,设立这种教育的目的与法律所要求的人都需要教育的目的截然不同。法律要求所有孩子在十几岁前接受教育的目的并不是单纯的为了增加他们的就业希望。然而,我们对一个美国公民的素质有一种既定的认识,(他们)认为:如果他不能充分地评价外界因素对其生活和幸福的影响,他的个性是不完整的。但是,情况并不总是如此,在法律规定所有孩子必须在校学习到某个年龄之前,人们普遍认为有些孩子的本性并不适合接受这种教育的。随着乐观思想在所有工业化国家的不断深入,人们开始接受每个人都适合受教育这一观念。主张计算机教育的人放弃了这种乐观主义认识,取而代之的是一种悲观的态度,这种悲观态度背离了他们本来应该有的乐观的观念。一方面是主张为普通教育而设立计算机课堂教学,另一方面是主张职业是目的,基于对以上两种目的的混淆,计算机教育的倡导者常常只强调计算机对就业前景的影响而忽视了其教育成就。 对适当的学生进行职业教育也有某些充足的论据。为了使孩子们具备将要从事的职业所需要的技能,很多欧洲学校很早就引进了职业教育这一概念。然而如果因此就坚持地认为只有这么多的工作在等着同样多的科学家、商人及会计师来做,就未免太自以为是了。况且,在像我们这样一个经济发展遍及很多地区,同时又有许多跨国公司的大国中,职业教育不可能培养出每一种职业所需要的足够的专业型人才。 但是,相对于为数不多的学生来说,职业培训有可能是必要的,因为假设其他条件相同,熟练的技能有可能是他们最后能否找到工作的决定性因素。目前所有使用的任何计算机的基本技能都是很简单的,学会使用各种软件不必花费毕生的时间。当然如果想成为计算机工程师,那完全是另一回事。掌握计算机基本技能最多只需要一两个月。不管怎样,计算机基本技能只能是一种想要成为专业型人员所需要的各种职业技能的补充。当然,应该看到,不管是普通学校还是职业学校,如混淆其目的,都不会从中受到益处。
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