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It is …that英语句型系列补充强化训练

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/17 15:04  现代教育报-高考周刊

  1.--Where was______you picked up the wallet﹖

  --Just near the school gate.

  A. it B. it that C. the place D. the place that

  2. I must find out why______so many students made the same mistake.

  A. is it that B. was it which C. it is what D. it was that

  3. How many years is it______your sister came to work here﹖

  A. after B. since C. before D. until

  4. Is it in the factory________you visited last week________this kind of car is made﹖

  A./thatB. wherewhenC. wherethatD./when

  5.____It's a long time_______I saw you last.

  --Yesand what a pity since it will be a long time______we see each other again.

  A. sincebefore B. beforesince C. untilafter D. afteruntil

  6. It was because of bad weather______the football match had to be put off.

  A. so B. so that

  C. why D. that

  7.It was his remarks_____left me wondering about his real purpose.

  A. which B. what

  C. where D. that

  8. -- Was it in 1969______the American astronaut succeeded______landing on the moon﹖

  --- Quite right.

  A. whenon B. thaton

  C. whenin D. thatin

  9.It was not until 1920______regular radio broadcasts began.NMET 95

  A. while B. which

  C. that D. since

  10.______is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.NMET 95

  A. There B. This

  C. That D. It

  11._____was in 1979_____I graduated from the university.NMET 98上海

  A. Thatthat B. Itthat C .Thatwhen D. Itwhen

  12. It was for this reason______her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village. NMT 2001春,上海

  A. which B. why  

  C. that D. how

  13. It is the protection for the trees____really mattersrather than how many trees are planted.

  A. what B. that

  C./D. which

  14.-- Was that the new comer who walked by﹖_____.

  A. It must be that

  B. It must have been

  C. He must be

  D. This must have been

  15. Our classroom is very clean.Do you nowho__cleanedit﹖

  A. was it that

  B. it was that

  C. was it who D.he was

  16. Now thenchildren. It's high time you______and dressed.

  A. washed

  B. should wash

  C. were washed

  D. are washed

  17._____the people have become the master of their own country_______science can really serve the people.

  A. It is only then;that

  B. It was that;when

  C. It is only when;that

  D. It was when;then

  18. It was_________I met Mr. Green in Shanghai.

  A. ten years since

  B. many years ago that

  C. five years until

  D. Two months when


  (江苏省西亭高级中学高级教师 陈卫锋)



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