WESTKING面试难题妙答系列(九) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/07 00:32 新浪教育 |
1. What is your long-range objective? 提问目的:了解应征者自身的职业生涯计划。 回答技巧:国人回答这类问题往往无所适从,其实,这本身就是很虚的问题,回答只要结合了申请职位,穷及对该职业热爱,兴趣之词,就可以安全过关。 回答范例:以 sales 为例 My primary objectives are to learn as much as possible about your company's product offering, organizational structure, and professional sales techniques so that I may become the most productive member of your sales team. 2. What do you see yourself doing five years from now? 提问目的:了解应征者对自身短期职业生涯计划的准备。 回答技巧:短期的目标是成为该申请职位合格而且优秀的员工,并为下一个升迁目标作经验和教育上的准备。是非常积极而且合理的回答。相应 的 有 长期 目标 准备 , 回答 思路 相同 。 回答范例:以 finance为例 Although it is hard to predict the future, I sincerely believe that I will become a very good financial consultant. I believe that my abilities will allow me to excel to the point that I can seek other opportunities as a portfolio manager (the next step) and possibly even higher. My ultimate goal continues to be -- and will always be -- to be the best at whatever level I am working at within ***'s corporate structure. 3. How has your education prepared you for your career? 提问目的:了解应征者对申请职位的教育准备。 回答技巧:进入任何一个职业肯定有其主要的教育背景,但这个问题恰恰需要你在提到主要教育经历的同时,着重提及的非主流教育培训经历。而这些经历与申请的职位息息相关。并强调自己在培训教育中的接受能力。 回答范例:以 finance为例 As you will note on my resume, I've taken not only the required core classes for the finance field, I've also gone above and beyond by double majoring in accounting. I doubled majored since I knew that the financial consulting field requires much knowledge of portfolio analysis and understanding of the tax laws. I believe that my success in both areas of study have specifically prepared me for this area. But it's not just taking the classes in these two areas that allows me to offer clients more. I minored in French to understand the growing hispanic clientele in the *** area, which as you are well aware is a growing source of revenue for the industry. If you like, I can elaborate on other aspects of my education further. 4. Do you have any plans for further education? 提问目的:了解应征者对自身再教育的计划。 回答技巧:现在的职业市场瞬息万变,持续的培训和再教育对每一位打工者而言,是至关重要的,回答这个问题要突出你的教育培训计划是围绕自己的职业计划展开的。 回答范例:以 IT为例 I plan to continue my education for the rest of my life. In any technology-related field, keeping up to date through continuing education is of the utmost importance. Continuing education can include on-the-job training, courses sponsored by the employer, and courses taken in new technologies as they emerge. I plan to be not only a career employee but a career student so that I can be the best information systems analyst I can be. I will ensure, however, that any education I pursue not only doesn't interfere with my job or the company's policies, but will enhance my value as an employee. |