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2005年高考总复习:高一英语--Unit 6

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/08 23:18  新浪教育

  Unit 6 A new factory

Lesson 21

  1.How long have you had it?have在许多情况下可以替代一些短暂性动词和延续性的时间状语连用,因此它的译法较灵活。这儿had意思为“买”。例如:

  —How long have you had your new bicycle?

  —Only one year.

  2. How far have you been in it?这里in it指的是in the car,意思是“乘,坐”,表示交通方式,相当于by car。但要注意,在by car,by bike等短语中不用冠词或物主代词;而用其他介词时,要根据需要用适当的冠词或物主代词。又如:

  How far have you been on the bike?

  I went there in a car/in his car/by car.

  3.I say,let s go out for a drive.

  I say常用于口语中,置于句首,意思是“喂,我说”。例如:

  I say,Mary,what are you busy with?

  I say,let s go shopping,shall we?

  4.Wear strong shoes as we shall do a lot of walking.请穿结实的鞋子,因为我们要走许多的路。

  wear的意思是“穿着”,“带着”,可用于穿衣服、穿鞋、戴 帽子、戴手套、佩带首饰等,强调穿着的状态。例如:Tom always wears black shoes.汤姆总穿黑鞋子。The girl wearing a red skirt is my sister.穿红裙子的女孩是我的妹妹。

  put on是“穿上”,“戴上”的意思,可用于穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽等,着重于穿戴的动作。例如:

  Put on your coat before you go out.出去之前穿上大衣。

  He put on his hat and went out of the room.他戴上帽子然后走出了房间。

  dress可作及物动词和不及物动词,有“穿着”,“打扮”的意思。作“穿着”解时,只用于穿衣服,作及物动词时它的宾语是人,不是衣服,即dress sb.(给某人穿衣服)。例如:She always dresses well.她总是穿着讲究。

  Mary is dressing her child.玛丽在给她的孩子穿衣服。

  do walking的意思是“步行”,英语中有不少“do+动名词”结构,表示“做某事”,有较灵活的译法。例如:do washing(洗衣服),do sewing(做针线活),do reading(读书),do shopˉping(采购),do cooking(做饭)。

  Lessons 22 & 23

  1.a great many

  a great/good many意思为“许多”,用于肯定句中,后面接可数名词复数,相当于many,a large number of。注意:a great many后接可数名词复数,不加of。例如:

  I have a great many things to do.

  Xiao Ming has made a good many friends in England 如果a great many后接代词时,则须加上of。例如:A great many of them have seen the film.

  2.The building of a new car factory was agreed on last month...

  1)agree,动词,意思为“同意”,agree on表示“(就事情某一方面)大家达成一致意见”。例如:

  We agreed on the date for the meeting.

  They agreed on a price for the car.

  2)agree后面还可跟介词with,to。agree with表示“同意某人(的话、观点、想法、意见等)”,agree to表示“同意计划、建议等”。例如:

  I agree with you/what you said.

  He completely agreed with my views on politics.他完全同意我的政治观点。

  Do you think he will agree to our plan/suggestion?你认为他会同意我们的计划/建议吗?

  3)agree后面不可接名词,但可接动词不定式或that引导的从句作宾语。例如:I thought it was a good idea,but she didn t agree.

  We agreed to leave at once.

  We all agree that she is the best tennis player in the world.

  3.at least at least/at the least意思为“最少,至少”(=no less than),其对应词是at most/at the most“最多,至多”(=no more than)。例如:

  He is at least fifty.

  I have at most 200 foreign stamps.What about you?

  It isn t expensive,It ll cost you 3yuan at most.

  4.supply v.supply动词,意思为“供应,提供”,常用结构有:

  1)supply sth.to sb.或supply sb.with sth.,意思为“向某人提供/供应某物”。例如:

  The government supplied some textbooks to the village schools free.政府向乡村学校免费提供一些课本。

  The shop supplied milk to each house in bottles.商店供应各家各户瓶装牛奶。

  The factory supplied us with some parts of the car.

  2)supply也可用于名词,意思为“供应”。例如:The supply of electricity has been threatened by the flood.电力(正常)供应受到了洪水的威胁。

  The water supply here is good.

  5.plenty of

  plenty of意思为“大量的,充足的”,后面既可接可数名词复数,也可接不可数名词。例如:

  There are plenty of books and magazines for us to read here.

  I haven t got plenty of money to buy this coat.

  6.They will spend almost 100 million yuan on the project.他们将在这个项目上花一亿元。

  spend+时间/金钱+on sth.意思是“在什么上花时间/金钱”。例如:

  I spent half my money on clothes,我把一半钱花在衣服上了。

  He doesn t spend much time on his homework.他不在作业上花很多时间。

  spend还可以用于下面这个句型。即:spend+时间/金钱+(in)doing sth.。例如:

  He spent all day looking for you.他花了一整天找你。

  The day was spent in packing.这一天被用来整理行李。

  7.Not all the parts of the car will be made in the factory.汽车上的部件不都是由这个厂子制造的。not...all及all...not意思是“并非全部都……”,“并不是所有的……”,表示部分否定。这一结构有时容易被学生误解。再看以下示例:

  All that glitters is not gold.(=Not all that glitters is gold.)闪光的不一定都是金子。

  Not all English people like fish and chips.不是所有的英国人都喜欢炸鱼和土豆条。All the boys don t like playing computer games.男孩子不一定都喜欢玩电脑游戏。

  如果表示“全不……”,“所有都不……”,则要借助于No, None等否定词。例如:

  No man is born wise.没有人生来聪明。None of the students could understand his English beˉcause of the strong accent.


  No one can solve this maths problem.没人能解出这道数学题。

  Not every one can solve this maths problem.不是每个人都能解出这道数学题。

  8.They will make both cars and trucks at this factory.both...and是个连词词组,作“既……又……”解,放在并列结构的前面。又如:

  She sings both beautifully and sweetly.(连接两个并列状语)He can play both the piano and the guitar.(连接两个并列宾语)

  Both you and I are students.(连接两个并列主语)

  Lesson 24

  1.as follows as follows是个固定词组,作“如下”解,常用来引出下文。例如:

  The names of the football players are as follows:LinTˉao,Wang Peng...足球队员名单如下:林涛,王鹏……

  His suggestions are as follows:...他的建议如下:……

  2.put up put up意思是“张贴,举起,搭配,建造”等。例如:

  Put up the notice for me,please.请帮我把布告张贴起来。

  Put up your hands if you have any questions.如果你有问题,请举手。

  The building was put up 100 years ago.这个建筑建于100年前。 例1 单项填空I agree with most of what you said, but I don t agree with .

  A. everything B. anything

  C. something D. nothing

  【解析】 答案为A。本题考查部分否定句用法。all, both和every系列词(everyone, everybody, everything等)用于否定句为部分否 定(参见上文)。所以选A。

  例2 单项填空On Children s Day, all the kids often colorful clothes.

  \ A. put on B. wear C. dress D. have

  【解析】 答案为B。根据语境,这里的动词必须表状态,所以A不对;C表状态该用be dressed in,同时dress也不能用clothes作宾语;D项要加上on才表穿着的状态。所以选B。

  例3  All the rooms are with electric light.A. supplied B. given C. offered D. burnt【解析】 答案为A。根据语境,只能选A,表示所有房间都“装备,配备”了电灯。



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