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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/17 15:15  《Speak 2 Me》

  Wong Kar Wai wins acclaim for 2046


  Wong Kar Wai almost missed his own movie screening at the Cannes Film Festival this year. It’s not certain whether the film was actually finished or not, but Time magazine clearly likes 2046 and describes him as the most romantic filmmaker in the world.

  He has used some of the most famous, beautiful and talented actors in Hong Kong and China in his films. Chinese heartthrobs Gong Li, Faye Wong and Zhang Ziyi feature in 2046. But it is the Hong Kong stars Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung and the late Leslie Cheung he has worked with most. They have helped build his romantic reputation with their melancholy performances as star-crossed lovers in such films as Happy Together, In the Mood for Love and Chungking Express.

  His crew have also won acclaim all over the world. In 1993 Australian Chris Doyle won the Best Cinematographer award at the Venice Film Festival for Ashes of Time, and has since become one of the most well-known cinematographers in Asia. Wong’s designer, William Cheung, has also received awards and worked with Hong Kong directors Stanley Kwan and Tsui Hark.

  This internationally successful filmmaker was born in Shanghai in 1958 and moved to Hong Kong with his family when he was five. He studied graphic design at Hong Kong Polytechnic before working for two years as a television station assistant. Over the next five years he wrote over ten feature films. He made his first film, As Tears Go By, in 1988 and since then he has made an average of one film every two years.

  So how did he almost miss the screening at Cannes? Wong explained, “We've been working on the film for the last four years. People said it would never end, but now it's time to let it go. If I had another three weeks then the film would be different. 2046 is finished, but there will be lots of extra scenes on the DVD!”







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