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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/09/13 13:56  中国石化出版社







  经典例题133 There are more than60,000 prosecutions a year for shoplifting.

  参考译文 每年有六万多人因在超市偷窃而被起诉。





  经典例题134 If understanding prevails,UNCTAD is in a position to replace confrontation with agreement;it cannot be put off.

  参考译文 若能普遍形成谅解,联合国贸发会议就能用协议取代对抗;这项工作不能再拖延下去了。

  经典例题135 Most of the questions have been settled satisfactorily,only the question of when the transplanting will take place remains to be considered.

  参考译文 大部分问题已圆满解决,只剩下何时进行该移植手术问题有待讨论。




  经典例题136 A dialect is known by every linguist in this room.

  参考译文 有一种方言是在座的每一位语言学家都懂得的。


  经典例题137 It must be admitted that only when we get a taste of its abuse will we feel the full meaning of cloning.

  参考译文 必须承认,只有当我们尝到克隆被滥用的恶果之后,我们才会彻底明白其价值所在。

  经典例题138 It is reported that robots,instead of human beings,are doing j

  obs as to assemble parts in dangerous environment in our country.

  参考译文 据报道,我国已用机器人代替人去做危险环境下的零件组装工作。4)转换成以施事方为主语的主动句

  经典例题139 Our plans have been completely wrecked by bad weather.

  参考译文 恶劣的天气使我们的计划完全落空。


  Researchers investigating brain size and mental ability say their work offers evidence that education protects the mind from the brain’s physical deterioration.

  (61)It is known that the brain shrinks as the body ages,but the effects on mental ability are different from person to person.Interestingly,in a study of elderly men and women,those who had more education actually had more brain shrinkage.

  “That may seem like bad news,”said study author Dr.Edward Coffey,a professor of psychiatry and of neurology at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit.(62)However,he explained,the finding suggests that education allows people to withstand more brain tissue loss before their mental functioning begins to break down.

  The study,published in the July issue of Neurology,is the first to provide biological evidence to support a concept called the“reserve”hypothesis,accordi

  ng to the researchers.In recent years,investigators have developed the idea that people who are more educated have greater cognitive reserves to draw upon as the brain ages;in essence,they have more brain tissue to spare.

  (63)Examining brain scans(脑部扫描的X光片)of320healthy men and women aged66to90,researchers found that for each year of education the subjects had,there was greater shrink age of the outer layer of the brain known as the cortex(脑皮层).Yet on tests of cognition and memory,all participants scored in the range indicating normal.

  “Everyone has some degree of brain shrinkage,”Coffey said.“People lose(on average)2.5percent per decade starting in adulthood.”

  There is,however,a“remarkable range”of shrinkage among people who show no signs of mental decline,Coffey noted.Overall health,he said,accounts for some differences in brain size.Alcohol or drug use,as well as medical conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure,contribute to brain tissue loss throughout adulthood.

  In the absence of such medical conditions,Coffey said,education level helps explain the range of brain shrinkage exhibited among the mentally_fit elderly.The more_educated can withstand greater loss.

  (64)Coffey and colleagues gauged shrinkage of the cortex by measuring the cerebrospinal fluid(脑脊液)surrounding the brain.The greater the amount of fluid,the greater the cortical(脑皮层的)shrinkage.

  Controlling for the health factors that contribute to brain injury,the researchers found that education was related to the severity of brain shrinkage.For each year of education from first grade on,subjects had an average of1.77milliliters11more cerebrospinal fluid around the brain.Just how education might affect brain cells is unknown.(65)In their report,the researchers speculated that in people with more education,certain brain structures deeper than the cortex may stay intact to compensate for cortical shrinkage.


  文章大意: 调查大脑体积和智力的人称,他们的研究提供的证据表明,接受教育能保护智力免受大脑自然衰退的影响。通过对脑脊液的观察测量,专家发现接受教育多的人脑脊液要多于那些教育层次低的人,这意味着他们脑皮层萎缩得快,表面看来这似乎不利,



  (61)结构分析: 句子框架是It is known that the brain shrinks as the body ages,but the effects…are different from person to person。这是由but连接的两个并列句,意思转折,前一句是个主语从句,it是形式主语,that引导的从句是真正的主语,it is known翻译为“众所周知”。

  参考译文: 众所周知,大脑随着年龄的增长而萎缩,但是这对智力方面的影响却因人而异。

  (62) 结构分析: 句子框架是However,he explained,the finding suggests that education allows people to withstand…before their mental functioning begins to break down。he explained是插入语。that引导宾语从句。在此从句中包含了一个由before引导的时间状语从句;suggest这里意思是“表明,显示”,break down翻译为“崩溃”。

  参考译文 :然而,他解释说,这项研究成果表明的是,接受过教育的人在大脑功能开


  (63) 结构分析: 句子框架是Examining brain scans…,researchers found that…there was greater shrink age of the outer layer of the brain known as the cortex

  (脑皮层)。examining…是现在分词结构作时间状语,that引导宾语从句。此从句是个there be句型;the subjects had作为定语从句修饰education;known as the cortex作定语,修饰the outer layer of the brain。




  (64) 结构分析: 句子框架是Coffey and colleagues gauged shrinkage of the cortex by measuring the cerebrospinal fluid(脑脊液)surrounding the brain.The greater the amount of fluid,the greater the cortical(脑皮层的)shrinkage。前一句是个简单句,直译即可,其中介词by引导的部分作方式状语;surrounding the brain现在分词作定语修饰fluid;后一句是the more…,the more…句型。

  参考译文 :科菲和同事们通过测量大脑周围脑脊液的体积而测算出大脑皮层的萎缩程度。脑脊液越多,脑皮层萎缩得就越多。

  (65) 结构分析: 句子框架是In their report,the researchers speculated that…,certain brain structures…may stay intact to compensate for cortical shrinkage。本句中含有一个宾语从句,宾语从句中,比较级deeper than the cortex修饰主语certain brain structure;compensate for翻译为“弥补”。




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