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第7天 2005年考研英语如何翻译特殊句型(5)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/09/16 10:35  中国石化出版社


  经典例题450 A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man.

  结构分析:这句是个典型的“既非…,也非…”句型:A is no more…than B is。表程度上的比较“A不是…,B也不是…”。

  参考译文 无爱之家不是家,无魂之躯亦非人。

  经典例题451 Mathematics,much more than technology,has a life of its own independent of science.结构分析:句子的框架是…,Mathematics,much more than technology,has…。此句较简单,顺译即可。注意这里much more than的含义,表面肯定句,实含否定义。

  参考译文 数学与技术不同,有一段独立于科学的历史。

  经典例题452 Sun Chief Scott McNealy would love nothing better than to break Microsoft’s hold on the software market.

  结构分析:句子的框架是Sun Chief Scott McNealy would love nothing better than to…。此句较简单,顺译即可。注意这里nothing more than的翻译,表面否定句,实际是肯定强调的意思。hold on原意为“等待”,在此句中译为“占领,统治”。

  参考译文 Sun的总裁斯科特·麦克尼利最喜欢的事就是推翻微软对软件市场的统治。

  经典例题453 Thin as these rationales for profitability may ultimately prove to be,so far they’ve been sufficient to make many people very rich.

  结构分析: 句子的框架是Thin as these rationales for profitability may…be,so far they’ve been sufficient…。此句含有一个倒装的让步状语从句,由as引导:thin as these rationales…may prove to be,这就相当于though these rationales…may prove to be thin,…主句较简单,顺译即可。

  参考译文 尽管上述利益率的基本原理最终将证明是站不住脚的,但到目前为止,它却足以使很多人变得富有。

  经典例题454 It is not until computer was invented that man could be freed from the labor of measurement and computation.

  结构分析:句子的框架是It is not until…that man could be…。此句的主干是强调句it is…that…,强调部分是时间状语(not)until computer was invented,词组be freed from意思是“从…中解放出来”。参考译文直到发明了电子计算机,人们才从测量和运算的劳动中解放出来。

  经典例题455 So in this sense the universe is intractable,astonishingly immune to any human attempt at full knowledge.We cannot on this level understand a grain of salt,much less the universes.

  结构分析:前一句直译起来较生硬,适于意译;其中in this sense意思是“从这个意义层面上讲”,(be)immune to意思是“免于…”,“不受…影响”。后一句中“much less+名词结构”是个补充的强调的否定,常译为“更不用说”。

  参考译文 因此从这个意义上讲,要了解宇宙是很棘手的,对任何饱学之士也不例外。从这个层面上讲,我们不能了解一粒盐,对宇宙的了解更是知之甚少。

  经典例题456 The International Monetary Fund is under attack,not least from its sister organization,the World Bank,for prescribing the wrong medicine to bring economic health to poor countries.

  结构分析:句子的框架是The International Monetary Fund is under attack…,for prescribing…。句中插入一介词结构作定语,(not least)from its sister organization,the World Bank,not least双重否定即强调的肯定。

  参考译文 因为在帮助穷国实现经济健康发展方面开错药,国际货币基金组织正受到攻击。来自其姊妹组织———世界银行的攻击一点也不比别处少。

  经典例题457 In effect,the electron microscope achieves its superior resolution more in spite of,than because of,its lenses.

  结构分析:句子的框架是the electron microscope achieves its superior resolution…。后面的比较用法有些特别,是两个连词间的比较more in spite of,than because of,意思是“更多的是与透镜无关,而不是因为透镜的原因”。

  参考译文 事实上,电子显微镜之所以具有高清晰度,与其说是由于它的透镜的缘故,还不如说是由于与透镜无关的其他原因。

  经典例题458 Knowledge,as has been said,lying in the perception of the agreement or disagreement of any of our ideas,it follows from hence that

  First,we can have knowledge no further than we have ideas;

  Second,we can have no knowledge no further than we can have perception of t

  hat agreement or disagreement.

  结构分析:句子的框架是Knowledge…,lying in…,it follows from hence that…。主句其实是个长句,that引导宾语从句:…it follows(from hence)that first…;second…。as has been said是插入语。接下来first和second两个分句中均含有比较级no further than,意思是“…的程度不比…的程度更深远”。

  参考译文 既然如上所说,知识就在于我们对任何一个观念符合或不符合的知觉,因此我们可以断言:



  经典例题459 As a result,their research laboratories have never been busier.A study published in November by Prepared Foods,a trade magazine,showed that42%of the331food manufacturers surveyed had plans to increase their R&D budgets by at least 15% in 2001; only 3% said that their R&D budgets would drop.

  结构分析:前一句是个简单句,注意never been busier的意义,是表面否定实际肯定,即“extremely busy”;后一句的主干是个宾语从句a trade magazine showed that…,从句的内容较复杂,其中surveyed是后置定语,修饰42%of the331manufacturers,另外注意increase by…的意思,是“增加了”,而不是“增加到(increase to)”。

  参考译文 其结果是他们的研究实验工作从来就没完没了。一篇发表在11月的商业杂志《预加工食品》上的研究表明,在所有调查的331家食品生产厂家中有42%计划在2001年至少要增加15%的研究开发预算经费;仅有3%的厂商说他们的研究开发预算将会缩减。

  经典例题460 But the person who either acquires,or succeeds to a great fortune,does not necessarily acquire or succeed to any political power,either civil or military;his fortune may,perhaps,afford him the means of acquiring both,but the mere possession of that fortune does not necessarily convey to him either.结构分析:句子的框架是But the person…does not necessarily acquire or succeed to any political power…;his fortune may afford him…,but…。分号连接两个并列分句。在第一个分句中,who引导定语从句,修饰the person。在此从句和谓语中有either…or…结构,表示“或是…,或是…”;在第二个分句中,but连接并列分句,表转折。not necessarily意思是“并不一定,未必”。另外,both和either分别为“political power both civil and military”、“political power either civil or military”。

  参考译文 但是,获得或继承了大宗财产的人,不一定因此就能获得民政的或军事的政治权利。他的财产,也许可以直接提供给他一种获得政权的手段,但单有财产未必就能给他政权。

  经典例题461 Nothing like it has been seen since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution,when power_driven machines began producing more in a day than men could turn out in nearly a year.

  结构分析:句子的框架是Nothing like it has been seen since…。since引导时间状语。在这个时间状语里有个when引导的定语从句,修饰the Industrial Revolution,此定语从句中的比较是machine…began producing more in a day than(what)men could turn out in nearly a year。

  参考译文 自从工业革命以来,没有任何事物看起来能够像因特网那样神通广大,在工业革命时代电力驱动的机器一天所生产的产品比一个人差不多一年生产的东西还要多。

  经典例题462 Today there’s scarcely an aspect of our life that isn’t being upended by the torrent of information available on the hundreds of millions of sites crowding the Internet,not to mention its ability to keep us in constant touch with each other via electronic mail.

  结构分析:句子的框架是个存在句Today there’s scarcely an aspect of our life that…。that引导的定语从句修饰an aspect,定语从句中的否定与前文中的否定副词scarcely呼应构成双重否定,起强调作用;另外在定语从句里crowding the Internet修饰hundreds of millions of sites,而available on the…修饰information。后面的“not to mention+名词结构”是个补充部分,表一种递进关系。

  参考译文 今天,我们的生活中极少有哪些方面不受拥挤在因特网上数以亿计的站点所提供的大量信息的冲击,更不用说因特网使我们通过电子邮件不断互相接触的本领了。

  经典例题463 Nowhere is this impatience more evident than in American eating habits because it is quicker to serve oneself in a fast food restaurant like McDonalds,while sitting down to a leisurely meal seems to be a luxury.

  结构分析:句子的框架是Nowhere is this impatience more…than…because it is…,while…。主句中的“nothing is more…than”句型,表面否定,实则肯定;because引导原因状语从句,在此从句中,while引导表示对比的并列句。it is quicker to do something是比较级句型。

  参考译文 这种缺乏耐心的急躁情绪在美国的饮食习惯方面则表现得最为突出因为到类似麦当劳这种快餐馆就餐更为便捷,而悠闲自在地坐下来吃顿饭,似乎是一种奢侈。

  经典例题464 When we call a piece of literature a work of fiction we mean no more than the characters could not be identified with any persons who have lived in the fresh,nor the incidents with any particular events that have actually taken place.

  结构分析:句子的框架是When we call…we mean…。此句的主干是we mean no more than(that)…。no more than the characters…是宾语从句,作mean的宾语。在此从句中,who引导定语从句,修饰persons。这里的no more than意思是“只不过”;than后的成分补充完整应该是the characters could not be identified with any persons who have lived in the fresh,nor the incidents(could not be identified)with any particular events that have actually taken place,后半句nor…是否定的倒装。

  参考译文 当我们把一个文学作品称为虚构的作品的时候,我们的意思只不过说其中的人物并不是指任何一个生活在世的人,其中的情节并不是指任何一件真的发生过的事。

  经典例题465 Learning is no longer a separate activity that occurs either before one enters the workplace or in remote classroom settings,nor is it an activity preserved for managerial group.

  结构分析:句子的框架是Learning is no longer…that…,nor…。not…nor连接两个并列的分句,意为“不是…也不是”。that引导定语从句,修饰activity。此定语从句里含有一个either…or…结构,表“或是…,或是…”。nor引导倒装的否定句。

  参考译文 学习已不再是一种孤立的行为,或是发生在人们走上工作岗位之前,或是发生在久远的教室里。它也不是一种专为管理群而保留的活动。

  经典例题466 Calcium,the most abundant mineral in the body,has long been recognized as vital for the formation and maintenance of strong bones and teeth,but rather than serving as calcium’s final destination,bones are,in a sense,actually just a starting point.

  结构分析:句子的框架是Calcium,…,has long been…,but…。but连接两个并列的分句。the most…是calcium的同位语。第二个分句里的主干是bones are a starting point,rather than…,这里rather than意为“不是…”。in a sense意为“从某种意义上说”。

  参考译文 钙是人体中最丰富的矿物质,长期以来一直被认为在强壮的骨骼和牙齿的形成和保持方面至关重要。但这并非是钙的最终用途,从某种意义上说,骨事实上只是其用途的一个起点。

  经典例题467 The last people from whom praise can be expected,even for what is worthy of all praise,are the English.A new friendship,a new ideal,a reform,a noble action,a wonderful poet,an exquisite painting—any of these things will be admired and praised by every other people in Europe long before you can get Englishmen to praise.

  结构分析:第一句的主干是the last people…are the English,主语部分有一whom引导的定语从句,另外这里last是否定意,意思是“最不可能…的”;even for…中even起让步强调作用,意为“即使”,for意为“对于”。后一句的主干是any of these things will be admired and praised by…long before…,之前的几个名词结构是these的同位语;long before可以把它反过来译,“之前”改为“之后”就更合汉语习惯了。

  参考译文 即令是值得举世称赞的事,也很难博得英国人的赏识。新的友谊,新的理想,一种改革,高尚的行为,了不起的诗人,极漂亮的画———不论哪一种,欧洲所有其他民族交口称赞很久之后,才能获得英国人的垂青。

  经典例题468 There is,moreover,no stuff more resistant nor more substantial,for our duration is not merely one instant replacing another;if it were,there would never be anything but the present—no prolonging of the past into the actual,no evolution,no concrete duration.

  结构分析:句子的框架是There is no stuff more…,for our duration is…;if it were,there would never be…。这是以分号相连的两个并列句:第一句是表面否定,意思肯定,相当于说“This stuff is the most resistant and substantial one.”,for引导出原因;第二句是个让步状语从句,if引导一虚拟语气,“anything but”相当于“only”,破折号后是补充说明。

  参考译文 没有一种实体能如此持久。因为我们的绵延并不是从一个瞬间到另一个瞬间的单纯取代。如果那样,那就会只有现在而没有过去———过去不会延伸到现在,进化也失去了具体的绵延。

  经典例题469 No environmental problem threatens the“planet”or rates with the danger of nuclear war,and no oil spill ever caused suffering on a par with today’s civil war in Yugoslavia.

  结构分析:句子的框架是No environmental problem threatens…or rates with…,and no oil spill ever caused suffering on a par with…。and连接两个并列的分句。句中的特殊用法有:由no构成的主语表全部否定。另外还有些词组的含义需要注意,rate with意为“与…同级”;on a par with意为“与…同水准”。

  参考译文 没有任何环境问题威胁这颗“星球”,任何环境问题也没有核战争所造成的危




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