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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/21 16:09  华夏大地教育网


  II.Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. (30 points, 3 points for each)

  1. When did England begin to be Christianized?

         England began to be Christianized in 579.

  2. What does the Sovereign’s coronation take place?

         The Sovereign’s coronation takes place at Westminster Abbey in London.

  3. Why did the population of Ireland decrease from the 1840s until about 1970?

       Because it had a high emigration rate.

  4. What are the two major political parties in Ireland?

         They are FIanna Fail and Fine Gael.

  5. What was the postwar strategy of the United States?

         The strategy was American leadership of the world and open market for American goods and capital.

  6. What are three types of high schools in the United States?

         They are comprehensive, academic, vocational and technical schools.

  7. Who are the native peoples of Canada?

         They are American Indians and Inuit.


  8. What kind of system is the Untied States economy based on?

         It is based on a free enterprise system.


  9. What are the functions of the Senate in Australia?

         The Senate in Australia has functioned as a house of review and it also represents the interests of the States.

  10. Who do Maori people say discovered New Zealand?

         They say that Kupe discovered New Zealand.


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