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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/21 16:09  华夏大地教育网


  IV.Directions: Write between 100-120 words on EITHER of the following topics in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.(10 points)

  1. What was the impact of the Vietnam War on American society?

         (1)At the beginning of the Vietnam civil war, the United States supported the South Vietnam to contain the North Vietnam and the Communists in the south,but the South Vietnamese government was corrupt and repressive and had no support of the people. The United States had to take over the fighting itself. Thus, the war was Americanized, that is ,the war was fought with American money, weapon, and soldiers.

    (2)The Vietnam War had great impact on American society.

    ①The United States was weakened as a result of the long war. The war affected American competitiveness in the world, drained American resources, brought about unfavorable balance of trade and saw a significant outflow of gold.

    ②American society had never been so divided since the Civil War. People were confused and disappointed.

    ③The war brought about serious disagreement within the ruling circle. A number of high-ranking officials in the Johnson Administration resigned. Contradiction between Congress and the Executive sharpened, which resulted in the passing of the War Power Act.

    ④The image of the United States and its armed foresees was discredited. American insistence on the continuation of the war drew criticism from American allies and some of its allies refused to support the United States.






  2. How did the English Industrial Revolution proceed?

         (1) The English Industrial Revolution began with the textile industry. There were a series of inventions and improvements of weaving and spinning machines.

    In 1733, John Kay invented his flying shuttle. It speeded up hand weaving, creating demand for faster yarn spinning.

    The spinning was revolutionized by James Margraves’ “spinning Jenny” in 1776, and it enabled one hand laborer to spin many threads at the time.

  Richened Arkwright’s “water frame” (1769) and Samuel Compton’s “mule” (1779) replaced hand labor and required power to drive the machines: first water power, then steam.

    Thomas Newcomer devised the first steam engine at the end of the 17th century, but it was the Scottish inventor James Watt who produced a very efficient steam engine with rotary motion that could be applied to textile and other machinery.

    (2)George Stephenson invented the first locomotive in 1848.

    (3)The wide use of coal instead of charcoal hugely increased the production of iron, especially high-quality iron, which was used for machinery, railways and shipping.

    (4)A railway network quickly developed, gradually replacing the old stagecoach as the steamship gradually replaced the sailing ship on the sea-improved transportation ran parallel with production.

    As a result of the Industrial Revolution, Britain was the “workshop of the world” by 1830; no other country was yet ready to compete with her in industrial production.




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