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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/18 18:52  新浪教育

  Intern for CDMA Development (2 persons)


  Work with design and basic test; fault analysis and writing patches using assembly language; Work shall be performed by following the development process.


  Currently taking BS or MS and preferably one year before graduation

  C/C++, Assembly Language, software testing knowledge

  Ability to learn quickly (self learner), take responsibilities and initiatives, teamwork, positive attitude and flexible

  Good command of English in both oral and writing

  Be able to work as an full time intern for one year and can start work as soon as possible

  Intern for Instant Messaging and Presence Service Design (3 persons)


  Work as Software designer and/or testers for IMPS development projects, performing design, coding, testing and corresponding documentation work.

  Perform product maintenance work when required


  Computer science or telecommunication BS or MS degree

  Java programming project experience

  Software testing knowledge

  Basic knowledge of Software Engineering

  Multi-media service knowledge, such as IM, MMS, is preferred

  Open communication. Has good communication skill

  Taking responsibility and commit to the work. Interested in design/test work.

  Learn quickly new technologies

  Good team work spirit

  Be positive, solution thinking, flexible and initiative

  Good command of English in both oral and writing

  Be able to work as an full time intern for 6-12 months and can start work as soon as possible

  Intern for Project Configuration Management (1 persons)


  Handling Change Requests (CR) in the project

  Register or help author register CR in a specified tool, like ClearQuest

  Send out CR information to related person in the project

  Host Change Control Board (CCB) meeting every week, discussing open CRs

  Update the CR status according to the result of CCB meeting

  Collect and send CR status and statistics data to project management team regularly

  Collect information to update baseline document, like tool baseline, etc

  Maintenance online document number booking tool

  Maintenance a matrix table, showing the kind of document and the number series it uses

  Contact the tool admin if the tool is not working properly

  Develop/Update the script tools used by EMA SCM during build and delivery

  Develop/Update the script tools used by CDMA SCM during build


  Currently taking BS and preferably one year before graduation

  Knowledge of modern software design process and project management process

  Practical knowledge of Sun Solaris and script language, like Perl

  Knowledge of “Software Configuration Management” and software build concept, but not mandatory

  Knowledge of Rational products like ClearCase, ClearQuest and ClearDDTS is preferred, but not mandatory

  Ability to learn quickly (self learner), take responsibilities and initiatives, teamwork, positive attitude and willing to take any assignment

  Good command of English in both oral and writing

  Be able to work as an full time intern for 6-12 months and can start work as soon as possible

  Intern for Correction Package Assembly (1 person)


  Analyzing printouts from the exchanges and indicate differences and faults. Handling searching and packaging of fault corrections using several tools.

  Writing reports related to the work.


  BS or MS of Computer Science Major with solid technical background

  Clear thinking towards right direction to debug the system

  Windows knowledge including Windows general tools e.g. EXCEL etc

  Familiar with UNIX

  Web editing

  Have finished a design project in University with good Quality

  Good team spirit, be willing to coordinate with team members

  Careful, thorough and responsible

  Good command of English in both oral and writing

  Be able to work as an full time intern for one year and can start work as soon as possible

  If you consider yourself to be self-motivated, committed to quality work and have the requisite professional and personal attributes, please attach your current CV and send to email: johnson.huang@cn.pwc.com

  Please be noticed that the caption of the email should be “apply for intern of Ericsson”.

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