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古铜色肌肤的时代 The Bronze Age

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/29 14:39  视听英语Ladder AI杂志

  Does your tan come from the sun, a bottle or a hose?


  A hundred years ago a suntan was the telltale mark of a laborer. These days, it’s the exact opposite: with more menial labor taking place in windowless o
ffice buildings and factories, a tan indicates an expensive lifestyle and lots of time for surfing, sailing, skiing or just lying around in the summer sun.

  But these days, many would-be tanners are looking for a quick and easy way to get dark. For the cost of a decent restaurant meal, you can catch a tan on your lunch break at an indoor tanning salon. Starting out in the 1970s, the indoor tanning industry is now worth billions of dollars. The tanning beds offer a more even, healthy looking tan, and are especially popular in cold countries that don’t get much sun.

  The ultra violet (UV) rays that cause suntans also cause a kind of chemical, called endorphins, to be released into the blood. When they reach the brain, endorphins cause feelings of pleasure and happiness, which partially explains why people often feel depressed during winter. However, UV rays also damage the skin and cause cancer, and tanning beds give off three times more UV than the sun, making them both potentially dangerous and addictive.

  New solutions offer suntans without the sun. “Self Tan” lotions contain the chemicals that cause skin to darken. The idea is that you rub these chemicals all over your body and, after a few hours, you look like you just stepped off the beach. The downside is that some of these lotions don’t smell very nice and, if you try to rub it on yourself, you’re likely to end up with an uneven tan. New devices allow the lotion to be applied by a spray, in a process similar to painting a car, which promises a more even coating. But no matter which process you use, the results fade within a few days, and might rub off on your clothes.





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