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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/14 14:16  恩波教育

  Section ⅠUse of English

  Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)

  Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training. Ideally
, therefore, the choice of an 1 should be made even before the choice of a curriculum in high school. Actually, 2 , most people make several job choices during their working lives, 3 because of economic and industrial changes and partly to improve 4 position. The “one perfect job” does not exist. Young people should 5 enter into a broad flexible training program that will 6 them for a field of work rather than for a single 7 .

  Unfortunately many young people have to make career plans 8 benefit of help from a competent vocational counselor or psychologist. Knowing 9 about the occupational world, or themselves for that matter, they choose their lifework on a hit-or-miss 10 . Some drift from job to job. Others 11 to work in which they are unhappy and for which they are not fitted.

  One common mistake is choosing an occupation for 12 real or imagined prestige. Too many high-school students—or their parents for them—choose the professional field, 13 both the relatively small proportion of workers in the professions and the extremely high educational and personal 14 . The imagined or real prestige of a profession or a “whitecollar” job is 15 good reason for choosing it as life’s work. 16 , these occupations are not always well paid. Since a large proportion of jobs are in mechanical and manual work, the 17 of young people should give serious 18 to these fields.

  Before making an occupational choice, a person should have a general idea of what he wants 19 life and how hard he is willing to work to get it. Some people desire social prestige, others intellectual satisfaction. Some want security, others are willing to take 20 for financial gain. Each occupational choice has its demands as well as its rewards.

  1. A. identification B. entertainment C. accommodation D. occupation

  2. A. however B. therefore C. though D. thereby

  3. A. entirely B. mainly C. partly D. his

  4. A. its B. his C. our D. their

  5. A. since B. therefore C. furthermore D. forever

  6. A. make B. fit C. take D. leave

  7. A. job B. way C. means D. company

  8. A. to B. for C. without D. with

  9. A. little B. few C. much D. a lot

  10. A. chance B. basis C. purpose D. opportunity

  11. A. apply B. appeal C. stick D. turn

  12. A. our B. its C. your D. their

  13. A. concerning B. following C. considering D. disregarding

  14. A. preference B. requirements C. tendencies D. ambitions

  15. A. a B. any C. no D. the

  16. A. Therefore B. However C. Nevertheless D. Moreover

  17. A. majority B. mass C. minority D. multitude

  18. A. proposal B. suggestion C. consideration D. appraisal

  19. A. towards B. against C. out of D. without

  20. A. turns B. parts C. choices D. risks


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