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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/27 07:48  新浪教育


  Expressions for Personal Qualities(描述个人素质方面的用词)

   本性

  bright ability plus flexibility ability to learn good health

  mature dynamic energetic honest stable personality

  high sense of responsibility resourceful excellent presentation and communication skills

  ability to innovate strong initiative technically sound

  good analytical mind to solve complex issues personal confidence

 proven problem solving / analytical skills acute and dynamic easy to get together with people

  strong technical commercial sense strong negotiation and communication skills pleasant personality


   对未来

  highly-motivated strong ambition and determination to succeed career ambition ambitious ability and desire to advance rapidly aggressiveness

   做事方式

  well organized preparedness to work hard bilingual good people skills strong inter-personal skills hard-working enjoys working with people work(operate) independently strong leadership skill a great team spirit work under high pressure and time-limitation result-oriented have the commitment to meet deadlines team player good people management skills

  Language Proficiency(描述语言能力的用词)

   常见形容词、名词和副词

  working good proficiency above-average excellent effectively fluent familiarity fluency

   实例:

  1. Working command of spoken and written English

  2. Good command of English with ability to understand hand-written English

  3. Proficiency in written and spoken English and Chinese

  4. Above-average English/ Chinese communication and organization ability

  5. An excellent understanding of English

  6. Ability to communicate in English orally and in written form

  7. Effectively bilingual in English and Chinese

  8. Be able to communicate in and translate from English to Chinese and vice versa orally and in written form

  9. Fluent in English

  10. Familiarity with technical English

  11. Fluency in English

  Computer Literacy(描述计算机水平的用词)

   常用形容词

  sound high hands-on high proficiency solid skillful literate good experienced

   实例:

  1. Knowledge of microcomputer and software programming

  2. Sound knowledge and experience in computer

  3. Having experience in computer operation proficiency in Microsoft Windows, Word and Excel

  4. High proficiency in computer operation

  5. With hands –on experience in system development including system analysis and design

  6. High proficiency in computer networking and office productivity software

  7. Solid knowledge in personal computer operation

  8. Be skillful in computer application

  9. Computer literate in both English and Chinese languages

  10. Good working knowledge of Lotus 123 or other related financial software

  11. Experienced in Oracle, Informix or Sybase and UNIX

  Occupational Experience(描述工作经历的用词)

  1. experience in international sales and ability to produce results

  2. experience working in multinational environment

  3. market-oriented with knowledge of shipping documentations and some technical background

  4. experience in auditing, cost accounting and taxation

  5. familiarity with or interest in international trade issues

  6. 2 years working experience in commerce and consumer products

  7. 1-2 years marketing experience in advertising and promotion

  8. experience in the computerization of financial functions

  9. media planning or servicing international clients

  10. experience in staff management

  11. experience in networking business

  12. clerk experience

  13. 3 years working experience at supervisory level in production operation

  14. excellent experience in administrative accounting

  Job titles (各种职务名称)

   commerce and accountant(商务会计类职务)

  CPA----Certified Public Accountant

  Chief accountant

  Accounting analyst

  Accounting assistant

  Accounting clerk

  Accounting manager

  Accounting staff

  Accounting supervisor

  Bond analyst

  Bond trader

  Export Sales Manger

  Export staff

  Financial analyst

  Financial controller

  Financial executive

  Financial manager

  International sales staff

  Marketing assistant

  Marketing executive

  Marketing manager

  Marketing officer

  Marketing personnel

  Marketing representative

  Market analyst

  Market development manager

  Market oriented staff

  Market researcher

  Market executive

  Sales assistant

  Sales clerk

  Sales engineer

  Sales manager

  Sales planning staff

  Sales promotion manager

  Sales representative

  Sales supervisor

   Management(管理类职务)

  administrative assistant

  administrative manager

  administrative service manager

  administrative staff

  administrative clerk


  area representative

  assistant manager

  assistant to general manager

  business assistant

  businesses manager

  executive director

  executive secretary

  human resources manager

  office administrator

  office assistant

  personnel administrator

  personnel manager

  personnel supervisor

  senior clerk

  senior consultant

  senior secretary

   Technology and engineering(技术工程类职务)

  Production inspector

  Production manager

  Production planner

  Production supervisor

  Project staff

  QC inspector

  Architectural engineer

  Programming engineer


   teamwork: a cooperative effort by a group or team to pursue a common objective. Teamwork spirit is very important for modern cooperation culture.

   communication: the exchange of information between individuals, for example, by means of speaking, writing, or using a common system of signs or behavior. Good communication is critical for the smooth operation of any organization.

   sales: the exchanging of goods or services for an agreed amount of money, or a single transaction

   marketing: the business activity of presenting products or services to potential customers in such a way as to make them eager to buy. Marketing includes such matters as the pricing and packaging of the product and the creation of demand by advertising and sales campaigns.

   management: the organizing and controlling of the affairs of a business or a particular sector of a business successfully.

   CEO: the abbreviated form for the chief executive officer.

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