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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/21 12:29  北京领航考研




  首先要注意应用文的格式并准确理解提纲的要求。另外应该在这几个方面注意:第一,这篇应用文中要避免写的太空洞,言之无物,当谈辞职时要交代清楚背景,不能只说我不辞职,要谈谈辞职的准备时间,,对原因,你不能说我不适合这个工作,应该再具体一点,比如举一个例子,比如我不适应这个公司的工作强度,报酬方式等等。 第二,你要注意辞职的语气,你是下级对方是上级,下级对上级在语气和口味中一定要客气一点。第三,安排好你的逻辑,先说辞职的过程,再谈辞职的原因,最后谈你希望你能顺利此致,并对未来有展望。

  Two months ago you got a job as an editor for the editor for the magazine

  Design fashions. But now you find that the work is not what you expected. You decision to quit. Write a letter to your boss Mr Wang.

  Telling him your decision stating your reason(s) and make an apology


  Dear Mr. Wang,

  I am writing to inform you about my decision to resign from my current position. A few factors are given to prove my decision and makes me feel intolerable

  First of all, the salary in reality is much lower than you have promised and you can see it is difficult for me to support such a big family with such a low salary. What is more, the office politics are so complex that I feel so uneasy because human relationship seems to be more important than your achievement. Most importantly, the office is located in the downtown area, yet I live in the suburbs, it is so inconvenient for me the commute for such a long distance and long hours.

  I sincerely hope that you approve of my resignation. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.

  Yours sincerely,

                                                         Li Ming



  我们考生可以回顾一下,中间是一个很像一个足球的,破旧不堪的,上方是儿子,守门员,右上方是二儿子,右下方是三儿子,左上方是一个女儿,穿得很时髦的,我们大事点讲的是对老人的不孝敬,推脱赡养老人的义务,也可以从正面说对老人应该关怀。第二,注意在写现象的原因时,要注意逻辑层次和论证的严谨,可以谈孝敬老人是中华民族的传统美德,还可以谈父母对我们的养育之恩。第三,中间部分突出赡养老人的重要性的时候,可以采取对比的修辞,关爱老人才回生活幸福,才能更好的关爱自己的社会;抛弃老人的子女连亲生父母都不要,怎么可能对社会有贡献呢? 第四,在最后的部分可以谈解决方案,一般是提高人的孝敬老人的觉悟,还有制订法律法规来保护老人的权利。第五,这篇文章你总体对这篇文章的情感形式是一种批评态度的,何以批评呢,除了用否定句,除了用贬义词之外,还有其他的手段。


  As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, three sons and a daughter treat their old, helpless father very badly and violently。The striking feature is that they each stand in a different corner of a football field and the eldest son kicks out the father, who huddles up into a ball. Surprisingly, the children all wear fashionable clothes which indicates that they are rich enough but they still intend to ward him off。The phenomenon that old people are abandoned caused our concerns and should be brought into focus。

  Simple as the picture shows ,yet the symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given into enough consideration。 Recently,many grown-ups have who have the ability to support their parents and live a comfortable life Often neglected and abandoned their parents even though their parents live in great poverty and suffer great illnesses。 As we can see, their parents must be hurt not only physically but also mentally and no longer have an enjoyable life and feel so isolated and humiliated。. I think these children have betrayed their own conscience and see the gloomy future of their own if they will be treated the same way by their own children。

  We should respect the old people and support them both physically and mentally。 In the first place, being kind to old people is the Chinese virtue。in the second place,owe so much to our parents in that they not only gave us life but have done much in bringing us up. In order to solve the problem,efforts should be made to make old people under the responsibilityOf the young people。On the one hand,we should strengthen the people 'awareness that old people deserve to be better cared. On the other hand, it is demanding for us to strengthen the enforcement of laws to protect the old people' legal rights.


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