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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/08 19:11  希望之星文化中心

  11. The teacher emphasized that ______of us should read the essay three times.

  A. each everyone B. all and every one

  C. each and every one D. each someone

  12. _____the false banknote looked genuine, it did not stand up to close examination.

  A. Since B. As

  C. Even as D. Even though

  13.If you don’t hurry up, the train _______by the time we get to the station.

  A. has left B. will have left

  C. will leave
D. would have left

  14. When I ran into Mary at the supermarket yesterday, I smiled at her, but she ______me and walked on.

  A. missed B. overlooked

  C. ignored D. neglected

  15. If you fail to adapt ______the quickly changing society, you will be behind the times.

  A. with B. against

  C. for D. to

  16.My father is deeply concerned with the government’s ______policies.

  A. economical B. economy

  C. economic D. economics

  17. In his 27-year imprisonment, Mandela, a South African leader, was ______his political rights.

  A. deprived of B. deprived off

  C. deprived from D. deprived with

  18.Scientists have spent years researching into the ______of sleeping pills on the human brain.

  A. affect B. effect

  C. impact D. influence

  19. Only a few people have ______to the confidential energy data.

  A. access B. admission

  C. permission D. entrance

  20. CCTV reported that ______the snowstorm, at least five houses collapsed and three people were killed.

  A. on any account of B. on every account of

  C. on account of D. on this account of

  21. The government is _______ every effort to reduce the accident rate in coal mines.

  A. taking B. making

  C. catching D. putting

  22. The three sales representatives of this company will be ______with a trip to France.

  A. offered B. awarded

  C. rewarded D. given

  23. Contrary ________popular opinion, eating less does not help you lose weight.

  A. to B. with

  C. against D. into

  24. An inventor needs to have a creative and _____mind.

  A. imaginable B. imaginative

  C. imaginary D. imaging

  25.The law protects equal rights for all citizens, _____race, religion or sex.

  A. without regard to B. with regard of

  C. regardless to D. regardless of

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